Chapter 145: Hunt For Absol!

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"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Natsu and Gio look at the holographic monitor showing Oblivian Absol

Natsu and Gio look at the holographic monitor showing Oblivian Absol

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Gio: What's this?

Natsu: The body shape looks familiar.

Professor Gara: This is the Oblivian Form of Absol.

Gio: Oblivia has a lot of regional variants.

Natsu: Sure does.

Gio aims his Pokedéx at Absol

Pokedéx: Absol. The Disaster Pokémon. Oblivian form, a Ghost type. The Absol of Oblivia are very territorial. They live on snowy mountains in packs. The ones deemed strong by their pack leaders live at the foot of the mountain to stop people and Pokémon from entering their home.

Natsu: My Mom has one actually.

Gio: How come we didn't see it when she was here the other day?

Natsu: I think it's living on her parents farm.

Gio: Huh. Rotom, what can their tails do?

Pokedéx: The black tail can make enemies, when struck by the tail, fall asleep, and give nightmares. The white tail wakes them up.

Natsu: So where are they?

Kris walks in and sits at her desk

Kris: They live near Core Town. It's one of the snowiest places in Obliva.

Natsu: Gio, you think what I'm thinking?

Gio: Definitely.

Natsu and Gio: Oblivia here we come!

"In Core Town"

Natsu: Achoo!

Gio: Gesundheit.

Natsu: Thanks.

Tigra pats Natsu's head

Gio: Kris wasn't wrong about it being really cold here. Good thing we're wearing these heavy coats.

Natsu wears a black and blue heavy jacket. Gio wears a heavy red and orange jacket

Natsu: It didn't feel all that cold last time we were here.

Gio: We were more focused on stopping Lori.

Natsu: Yeah. So have any idea on where we're going?

Gio: If we're gonna find out where the Absol live, first we gotta ask a local, and who better then the Gym Leader Akira.

Natsu: Okay. Follow me, I know where it is.

Gio: Have you been here before we came here?

Natsu: Yeah. Me and my friends from Kalos came here once to test our skills against Akira.

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