Chapter 59: Johto Wind Festival Day Two!

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Nathan pov

I was standing in a line with Torracat and a few other trainers with their pokemon, the mayor had given a speech and then explained the rules

Trainers are you ready? She asked

Yes. Se all said at the same time

Get ready...get set..go! She yelled, and we all started running

Torracat, lets go! I yelled, and we started running faster

Tor! Torracat roared, and ahead of me

"Five minutes later"

Ek! A pokemon hissed, and leaped at me from a street post

Torracat, use Fire Fang! I yelled

Tor! Torracat roared, and bit Ekans, now holding it in his mouth

Go! I yelled, and threw a catch race ball

The ball hit Ekans and dinged

Lets go. I said, then picked up the ball and started running with Torracat by my side

"Another five minutes later"

Revenge! I yelled

Torracat jumped over me, and hit Tyranitar in the face, pushing it back

Go! I yelled, and threw a catch race ball

The ball hit Tyranitar, sucking it inside, and dinged

Lets go. I said, then picked up the ball and started running again

"Hour later"

Nathan Ketchum, here is your second place trophy. The mayor said, and gave me my trophy

Thank you. I said, then bowed, and made my way to Lindsey and her parents

You'll win next year. Ryon said, and ruffled my hair

We'll see. I said, as Riolu got on my shoulder

"Now at the hotel"

At least you got a trophy, and you did come close to winning. Lindsey said, as she sat on the couch

We gave it our best. So it wouldn't have mattered if I got first or last place. I said

Whatever. Want to go catch pokemon? She asked

I already caught the Johto pokemon I wanted. I replied, looking at her

Oh come on. I over heard people talking behind me about a bunch of Totodile appearing by beach. Lindsey said

Alright then, lets go. I replied, got up, and put my bag over my shoulder

We just need to tell my parents that we'll be gone for awhile. Lindsey said

Ursaring, Heracross, and Ampharos return. Raboot, Riolu, Primeape, and Torracat don't cause any trouble. I said, as I got the first three Johto pokemon I caught in their balls

Boot/Cat/Olu/Prime. They yawned

See you guys later. I said, then got my shoes on by the door, as did Lindsey with her boots

Ready? She asked, Cyndaquil on her shoulder

Yup. I replied, then she opened the door, and I followed her as she walked out

Where are you guys going? Ryon asked, his hand on the door knob to his room, a plastic bag in the other hand

People are talking about a bunch of wild Totodile appearing by the beach. Lindsey replied

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