Chapter 109: Battle Of Aura Pokémon!

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"In a forest clearing near Mistralton City"

Natsu: Riolu, use Vacuum Wave! Mienfoo, use Protect!

Mienfoo uses Protect and Riolu's Vacuum Wave bounces off it

Natsu: Amazing work, you two!

Clair walks over

Clair: Mienfoo's gotten a lot better, and it even learned Protect.

Natsu: Yeah, and it's gonna keep getting stronger.

Mienfoo throws a kick and Riolu blocks. Riolu uppercuts Mienfoo, and follows it up with a spin kick

Clair: This is starting to turn into an actual fight now.

Natsu: Okay that's enough.

Riolu pulls its arm back and uses Force Palm, pushing Mienfoo several feet back

Clair: That was Force Palm right?

Natsu aims his pokedex at Riolu

Pokedex: Your Riolu knows Vacuum Wave, Power Up Punch, Double Team, and Force Palm.

Natsu: What happened to Extreme Speed!?

Clair: It's trained so hard to master that move!

Mick: Lunch is ready!

Natsu: Coming.

Riolu turns around, gets on all fours, and growls

Natsu: Riolu, what's wrong?

Mick walks over

Mick: I think Riolu senses something.

Clair: Well Riolu are able to sense things from Aura.

Natsu aims his pokedex at Riolu

Pokedex: Riolu, The Emanation Pokémon, a Fighting Type. Riolu can sense things with a power known as Aura. Riolu use Aura to sense how a person or Pokémon is feeling.

Natsu puts his pokedex back in his pocket

Natsu: Riolu, what's wrong?

The bushes shake. Riolu stands up and uses Vacuum Wave, a Lucario jumps out of the bushes and knocks Vacuum Wave away. Riolu's eyes go wide smiles

Riolu: Iolu!

Mick: A Lucario!?

Clair: Is it wild!?

???: Lucario! Wait up!

A teenage boy runs out from behind the bushes and trips

Mick: I think that's Lucario's trainer.

Natsu: Hey, are you okay!?

Boy: Yeah, I'm fine.

The boy gets up and walks over

The boy gets up and walks over

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