Chapter 84: Hunt For Tiga!

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"At Lisa's and Zane's house, two hours after last chapter"

Nate and Lindsey sit on the couch with the tv on

Lindsey: You battle anyone when left?

Nate: Yeah.

Lindsey: You lost.

Nate: Nope, I won.

Lindsey: Hmm.

Nate: You have any idea when they're gonna get back?

Lindsey: They said they're spending the night at Gou's house. Some kind of family tradition.

Nate: Ah.

Lindsey: Want to head to the forest?

Nate: Sure.

"In the forest"

Totodile sits on Lindsey's shoulder, Nate's Incineroar stands beside him as they walk, Lindsey looking at her phone

Lindsey: The pokémon that live in this area aren't that rare, not many pokémon native to Alola either.

Nate: We'll find something.

A twig snaps, and they turn their heads to the direction of the sound

Nate: Show yourself.

A blue and white Tiga runs out of a bush, covered in scrapes and scratches

Lindsey: It's so cute!

Nate: That's a Tiga. They evolve into Tigra.

Lindsey: I want to catch it!

Lindsey pulls out a pokeball and pulls her arm back. Nate grabs her wrist

Nate: You can't!

Lindsey: Why?

Nate: The mother of this Tiga, and a lot of other Tigra will come looking for it. Also, the mother can track its scent even if it's in a pokeball.

Lindsey: You're no fun.

Another bush rattles

Nate: That's probably the mother. Nurse Joy said if we're lucky, it won't hurt us, but that's a ten precent out of a hundred.

A brown Tiga walks out the bushes, same injuries the blue and white

Lindsey: Cutie!

Nate: We are so dead.

Both Tiga fall

Lindsey: What do you think happened to them?

Nate: If there mother's come and see us with them...

Lindsey: They'll think we did it.

Nate: But if we just leave them here their mothers and the other Tigra they bring with them will fight eachother.

Lindsey: We're also close to Iki Town, and the fighting could spread to there.

Nate: Our best bet is to take them home and patch up their wounds.

Lindsey: I'll take the brown one.

Nate: I'll take the white one.

They pick up the Tiga and run

"Back at the house"

Nate holds the blue and white Tiga as it cries

Tiga (blue and white): Tiga! Ga! Ti!

Nate: It's ok!

Lindsey: You've gotta hold still so I can treat your wounds before they get infected. This will only sting for a second.

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