Chapter 92: Strength!

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Two monthes after last chapter

"In the Storm Breaker home base"

Natsu and his pokémon sleep on the couch. Taylor, Diego, and Mike having a battle royal

Taylor: Flamethrower!

Diego: Protect!

Flareon jumps and uses Flamethrower in the air. Zoroark blocks the attack with Protect

Mike: Metal Claw!

Metang gets behind Zoroark and hits it with Metal Claw

Diego: Use Shadow Claw!

Taylor: Quick Attack!

Mike: Brick Break!

They hit eachother at the same time. Zoroarks Shadow Claw jabbed into Flareons face, and Metangs. Flareons head against Zoroarks leg, Metangs arm on the back of Zoroarks neck. They all fall onto the floor as do their trainers

Taylor: long was that battle?

No response

Taylor: Natsu?

Taylor turns around and sees Natsu sleeping

Mike: Figures.

Taylor: Wake up!

Natsu: Aaah!

Natsu and his pokémon jump off the couch and land on the floor

Taylor: You were supposed to time the battle!

Natsu: Sorry. Right before I started the stop watch app on my phone I passed out

Diego: We've been yelling attack after attack for a while. How did that not wake you up?

Natsu and his pokémon climb back onto the couch

Natsu: Well back home the only way my dad could wake me up was with pancakes, or having his Lycanroc lick my face.

Mike: Another way is Taylors yell.

Diego: Hahaha!

Taylor: You know you always talk about your dad but never about your mom. Why is that?

Natsu: Oh never mind that. Buizel, Tigra, and Tyrunt let's go for a run.

They run out of the building

Mike: That was weird.

Diego: He never dodges a question.

Taylor: Yeah. Somethings up.

Diego: Should we follow him?

Taylor: Yeah, but we should also try and find trainers who might want to join the club.

They get up and run outside

"Outside the Lumiose Conference"

Natsu and his pokémon run around the arena

Natsu: Aaaaah! Run faster!

They run faster

???: Shut up!

They stop running and turn around

Natsu: Marcy?

Marcy: Yes. Now stop screaming.

Natsu: Sorry. Jeez.

Marcy: What's with the sad face?

Natsu: It's nothing. C'mon guys.

Natsu and his pokémon run away

Marcy: Man, he is loud.

Taylor runs over to Marcy

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