Chapter 154: Project Mew! Golden Volcarona!

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"In an airship above Alola"

Molly looks at a screen on the wall, on the screen is the Alolan Ninetales Gio caught

Molly: Please be safe.

Daniel enters the room

Daniel: I've never seen that look in your eyes before.

Molly: Shut it. You get any leads on the hunters?

Daniel: Yeah. We're heading there now.

Molly: Good.

Daniel: Aren't you curious about the Trainer who caught Ninetales? It was your choice to pass him.

Molly: Yeah, and?

Daniel: He's about to start his first trial mission.

Molly: Whatever.

"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Gio throws a Pokéball and a shiny Voltorb comes out

Pokedéx: Voltorb has been registered to your Pokedéx!

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Pokedéx: Voltorb has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: Yes!

Professor Gara: And it's a different color.

Natsu: Gio caught it on the way back here.

Kris: Impressive!

Gio looks at his phone

Gio: Yes! It's here! My first trial mission from Project Mew is finally here!

Natsu: What does it say?

Gio: "Reach the goal by making full use of a variety of Pokémon." And there are three of them?

Natsu: Hmm?

Gio: It says I can choose any of them

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Gio: It says I can choose any of them. In that case, I'll take the red one.

Gio presses the red one

Gio: "Gather Volcarona scales."

Natsu: What's that mean?

Professor Gara: Kris, please display Volcarona's data on the monitor.

Kris: Right.

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