Chapter 120: Chilling Darkness!

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"At Gara Laboratory"

Herald mops the hallways, Weavile standing on the ceiling right above him

Herald: Hmm?

Herald sees the shadow and looks up

Herald: Ahh!

Weavile: Weav!

Weavile makes a scary face and runs away

Natsu Gio and their Pokémon run to Herald

Natsu: What's going on!?

Herald hugs himself im the corner

Gio: Herald are you okay?

Herald: That Weavile. It's back.

Natsu and Gio: Weavile's back!?

Natsu: That means another chance to catch it!

Gio: I'm catching it!

Natsu: No I am!

They run to another room

Natsu: Weavile, where are you?

Gio: We would've seen it by now. Last time it was standing on the ceiling.

Natsu: How did it do that?

Gio: I think it's freezing its feet to the ceiling. And when it runs on the walls and ceiling its quickly freezing and unfreezing its feet.

Natsu: That Weavile really is something else.

Kris: Ah!

Gio: Weavile!

Natsu: Dibs!

They run to the main room

Gio: Kris, was Weavile here!?

Kris: Oh no. I dropped some papers is all.

Natsu: Let us help you.

Gio: Yeah.

Kris: Thank you so much.

They pick up the papers

Natsu: Let's find Weavile.

Gio: Yeah!

An apple bounces on Natsu's head and onto the floor

Natsu: Huh?

Tigra: Gra!

Riolu: Olu!

They look up and see Weavile eating an apple

Natsu: There you are!

Weavile finishes the apple and uses Shadow Ball

Natsu: Tigra, use Electro Web!

Tigra uses Electro Web and catches the Shadow Ball, both attacks vanish

Weavile: Vile!

Weavile throws more Shadow Balls and everyone runs around the room

Natsu: That's enough!

Weavile stops using Shadow Ball and jumps out the room

Natsu: Got away again.

Professor Gara enters the room

Professor Gara: Looks like it really made a mess. Let's get cleaning.

They all clean up

Kris: I'd like to know what's with that Weavile.

Gio: Yeah, like why does it keep showing up.

Professor Gara: Well before I bought this place it was the home to many Sneasel and Weavile. But when trainers came and caught them I guess one Weavile didn't want to leave.

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