Chapter 90: Tournament Part 2!

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"In the Storm Breaker home base"

Natsu, Tiga, and Tyrun sit on pillows

Taylor: What are you doing?

Natsu: Trying to come up with a strategy to beat Marcy. Ugh! Why is this is so hard!?

Mike: Do you ever not yell when you are frustrated with something?

Natsu: I can't help it!

Astrid: You need to calm down.

Natsu: How can I? I don't want to let you down.

Astrid: What?

Taylor: Same. I don't want to let you down either. If me and Natsu lose in the semi finals, no one will want to join the team.

Astrid: Look, I could care less if anyone wants to join the team, or if anyone calls this a loser club. I just want trainers to have fun on teams again, focus more on having fun then on winning.

Mike: There are very few teams that still do that.

Natsu: I'm going for run! I need to think of a strategy on my own! Raaah!

Natsu stands up, runs out the club, and closes the door behind him

Taylor: I feel calmer knowing we won't have to hear his yelling for awhile.

Mike: Agreed.

"At the pokémon center"

Natsu standa infront of a phone, the screen saying "dialing"

Natsu: Pick up, pick up, pick up.

Nate answers the call

Nate: What's wrong?

Natsu: I need some battle advise.

Nate: The semi finals are tomorrow right?

Natsu: Yes, and my opponent is so strong. I don't think I can ever beat anyone if I feel this way. How did you get so strong?

Nate: Step one, ditch that attitude. Step two, never give up. I've been through the same thing you're going through right now. Just trust yourself, ok?

Natsu: Thanks dad.

Nate: I've gotta get going, love you.

Natsu: Love you, too.

The call ends

Natsu: Raaaaah! Let's do this!

Natsu runs out of the pokémon center

"In Alola"

Nate: Guess I worry a little to much.

"Flashback, ten years ago in an apartment"

Nate stands over the stove making curry. Gwen walks in with a box

Gwen: Hey, honey.

Gwen walks over to Nate and kisses his cheek

Nate: We having company?

Gwen: Sort of. more like a permanent house guest.

Gwen opens the box and pulls out baby pajamas with a Scorbunnies face on it, Nate looks with shock

Nate: We're having a baby?

Gwen nods. Nate runs to Gwen and lifts her up. Gwen laughs

Nate: We're having a baby! Haha! I love you!

Nate puts Gwen back down and kisses her stomach

Nate: I love everything right now! I love these pajamas. I love this apartment, I even love this curry I forgot about and now it's burning.

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