Chapter 138: Galar Fossil!

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"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Natsu, Gio, and Blake stand infront of Professor Gara, who shows them fossils on the monitor

Blake: So what am I looking at?

Natsu: They look like old rocks to me.

Gio: Are they bones?

Professor Gara: In a way yes. These are fossils of Galar Pokémon from many many years ago.

Gio: Wow!

Natsu: Where?

Professor Gara: They were found in the Wild Area.

Blake: That's in Galar right?

Natsu: Sure is. It's really big, and filled with all types of Pokémon!

Gio: So are we going there? Will I be able to get another fossil Pokémon!?

Professor Gara: That's right. I'd like the three of you to go and gather data on these restored Pokémon.

Blake: But I have school tomorrow.

Eevee gets out of its Pokéball from Blake's pocket and looks at her with a begging face

Eevee: Vee.

Blake: You want to go?

Eevee: Eev!

Blake: Okay.

Natsu and Gio: Galar, here we come!

"On a plane, hours later"

Natsu and Tigra sleep in their seat, Tigra on his lap. Gio and Blake on their phones

Gio: Who's that from?

Blake: Our teacher. She wants me to bring back a report from what we see in Galar.

Gio: That's nice deal.

Blake: Sure is.

Blake and Eevee look out the window and see the Galar Region

Blake: So that's Galar, wow!

Gio: This will be my second time here. I'm catching every Pokémon I see!

Natsu and Tigra wake up

Natsu: Morning already?

Tigra: Gra...

"In the Wild Area"

They all run through the grassy plains

Gio: Infernape, go!

Gio lets Infernape out

Infernape: Infern!

Many wild Pokémon move around them

Natsu: There's so many Pokémon here! It's amazing!

Gio: Sure is!

Tigra and Eevee begin to play together. Eevee bumps into a Pokémon

Boldore: Dore!

Blake: Eevee, run away!

Eevee gets away

Gio: Infernape, use Fire Punch!

Infernape: Nape!

Infernape punches Boldore onto its back

Gio: Pokéball, go!

Gio throws the Pokéball and hits Boldore. Boldore gets sucked inside the ball and it dings

 Boldore gets sucked inside the ball and it dings

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