Chapter 75: Mighty Vermilions Vs Oblivia Ragers!

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"In the Vermillion City arena"

Rotom Drone: Welcome, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen! To the second round of the World Championship team battles! The second round is taking place in other locations worldwide. The first team to two points wins! Each trainer may only use one pokémon, and that trainer cannot go back up and battle again. This rule format will be install until the finals. The finals will a three point battle, where the captains of the teams send out a trainer on their team, and the same trainer can go up more than once. Now everyone, please welcome the home team, The Mighty Vermillions!

Mika and two other trainers walk onto the battlefield

Mika: Hope you're already for an amazing match!

The crowd cheers loudly

Rotom Drone: And in the red corner, the away team, The Oblivia Ragers!

Nate, Sai, and Gwen walk onto the stage, and stand infront of their opponents

Sai: Crushing you guys will be so much fun.

Sai: Crushing you guys will be so much fun

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Eric: The name's Eric.

Eric: The name's Eric

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Ria: I'm Ria. Crushing you people will be an honnor.

Rotom Drone: Shake hands now, then off to the side.

Sai and Mika shake hands. Nate and Ria shake hands. Gwen and Eric shake hands. They all walk away and sit on benchs

Nate: So who's going up first?

Gwen stands up and walks to the battlefield, Eric does the same

Rotom Drone: Trainers please bring out your pokémon at the same time.

Eric: Get ready to go home crying.

Gwen: Took the words right out of my mouth.

Rotom Drone: Three! Two! One! Go!

Gwen: Absol...

Eric: Weavile...

Gwen/Eric: Go!

They each throw a pokeball

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