Chapter 124: Power Of The King!

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"At Gara Park"

Natsu: Riolu give me a Vacuum Wave!

Riolu uses Vacuum Wave and breaks a rock

Natsu: Now use Force Palm!

Riolu hits another rock with Force Palm and shatters it

Gio: You guys are really going at it.

Natsu: You bet.

Professor Gara: Natsu! Gio!

Professor Gara walks over

Gio: Professor?

Natsu: Hey, Professor!

Professor Gara: I've got a surprise for you two.

Natsu and Gio: Huh?

Professor Gara shows tickets

Professor Gara: Tickets to an Official Royal Cup Master Class battle!

Natsu: So we'll get to see Connor battle again?

Professor Gara: That's right.

Natsu: Yes!

Gio: And I'll be able to catch my first Oblivia Pokémon!

Farfetch'd lands on Gio's head

Gio: You want to come along?

Farfetch'd nods

Gio: Okay then.

Natsu and Gio: Let's go!

"At the arena in Dusk City"

Gio and Monferno run ahead of Natsu and his Pokémon

Gio: We're going to be late! Why'd you have to have seconds on lunch!?

Natsu: Well you ordered a second desert!

"At the lobby"

Natsu stops infront of a Dragon type Pokémon statue made of gold

Gio: Hurry up!

Natsu: Right!

"At the seats"

Gio holds his mouth, the crowd cheers

Natsu: Everyone is really psyched!

Gio: I think I ate too much.

Natsu: Oh right, you wanted to the battle too.

Gio: Oh yeah.

Natsu lets Weavile out, and Gio lets Farfetch'd out

Weavile: Weavil.

Farfetch'd: Farf!

Announcer: More than ten thousand Trainers are competing in the Cup! And from all of them, only eight can be in the Master Class! Which is why they are known as the Master's Eight! Today we have a battle of the very strongest!

A man walks onto the battlefield

Announcer: Here, we have an expert who shot up through the rankings like a rocket all the way to the Master Class! Ranked number seven, it's the Oblivia Region's Dragon type Gym Leader, Lawrence!

Announcer: Here, we have an expert who shot up through the rankings like a rocket all the way to the Master Class! Ranked number seven, it's the Oblivia Region's Dragon type Gym Leader, Lawrence!

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