Chapter 46: Mountain Snow!

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Sora pov

We were all wearing snowsuits and riding on Mamoswine. Alice was riding with me, her Meowstic on her shoulder Dewott standing on Mamoswines horn. Trish with Kuza and Pichu, and Tom with Bisharp. I was wearing a heavy blue jacket with black sweat pants, followed by black boots. Alice was wearing a pink snow jacket and red boots, Trish was wearing a Slurpuff snowsuit, Kuza was wearing a black jacket and light blue sweatpants. Tom was wearing a red snow jacket with light blue jeans and black boots. It was snowing hard and there was a cliff on the left side

How far is it to Dendemille Town!? I heard Kuza yell from behind me and Alice

It's over the mountain! Alice replied

Guys stop yelling! If you keep yelling you'll cause and avalanche! Tom whisper yelled

"Hour later"

Where are we? Kuza asked

It looks like we haven't moved. I said, as the snow began to die down, and the path became clear

Hey what is that? Kuza asked, making me looked foward and squint my eyes

Snow! It roared

It's an Abomasnow! I yelled with fear

Let me check it out. Alice said, and then I heard her pokedex click

Abomasnow, the Frost Tree pokemon, and the evolved form of Snover. It whips up blizzards in mountains that are always buried in snow. It is the abominable snowman. Alices pokedex said

This is bad. I said

Why? Tom asked

Because when I was in Sinnoh I accidentally walked through its territory, and it attacked me. That was also the day I learned that Abomasnow take snowy mountains as their terf. I said

So what do we do? Alice asked

No body move. I said quietly

Snow! Abomasnow roared, and charged at us with a Wood Hammer

Dewott use Aqua Jet! I yelled

Dew! Dewott yelled, and hit Abomasnow in the stomach, knocking it back

Snow! Abomasnow roared, and fired a Hyper Beam

Dewott block it with Dual Razor Shell! I yelled

Dewott made two swords and made an X shape, blocking the attack

Wott! Dewott yelled, and began struggling

Hang in there! I yelled

Dew! Dewott roared, and cut the Hyper Beam in half

Use Dual Razor Shell! I yelled

Wott! Dewott roared, and ran at Abomasnow

Snow! Abomasnow roared, and used Wood Hammer, knocking Dewott over the edge

Dewott! I yelled, then jumped off Mamoswines back, and caught Dewott

Sora! Alice I heard Alice yell as I was falling with Dewott in my arms

Dewott wake up and use Aqua Jet! I yelled, but he didn't wake up

Use Psychic! A voice yelled, and something stopped my body from falling any further

What the? I said

Get them back up to the cliff. The same voice said, as I was floating back up, and onto Mamoswines back

What in the world? I said with much confusion

What was that? Tom asked

You're welcome kid. The voice said, as she was standing on a Metagross, floating above us

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