Chapter 71: Training For The Tower!

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A week after the Temple of Dragons was found

"On the backyard battlefield"

Nate: Kubfu, Brick Break! Noivern, Dragon Claw!

Noiverns claws grow longer, and Kubfu hits one of the claws. Noivern swings its other claws, aiming at Kubfus face

Nate: Dojo it!

Kubfu grabs the claws and kicks Noivern in the face, and pushes itself back, landing on the ground

Nate: Boomburst! Acrobatics!

Noivern fires Boomburst from its ears, and Kubfu leaps at Noivern, headbutting it. Gwen and Max watch from the side

Max: How long do you think he's going to keep this up.

Gwen: You did tell him that only Kubfu trainers can enter the temples with their trainers. It makes sense for him to have Kubfu battle Noivern.

Max: The dragon trainers will be here in five days. That's how long Kubfu has left to train for.

Gwen: You think Omega found the Temple of Thunders yet?

Max: Probably not since he wants to find it on his own.

Gwen: Boy....

Max/Gwen: So stubborn. *Giggles*

Nate: Ok Noivern. That's enough for you for now.

Nate gets Noivern back in its ball, and pulls out another one

Max: How many other Dragon Types does he have?

Gwen: I think only one.

Nate: Flygon, go!

Nate throws the pokeball and Flygon soars into the sky

Flygon: Fly!

Nate: Hey! Flygon! Good to see you!

Flygon flies down to Nate and hugs him with a smile

Max: Wow.

Gwen: Yup.

Nate: Ready for some training?

Flygon stops hugging Nate and looks at Kubfu

Flygon: Gon!

Kubfu: Fu!

Nate: Dragon Claw and Acrobatics!

Kubfus head, and Flygons claws clash

Nate: Dragon Rush and Acrobatics!

They clash heads

Gwen: I think Sakyo would've been better training partner since he has more dragon types.

Max: No he would not. He doesn't know how to old back.

Nate: Iron Head! Flamethrower!

Kubfus head turns to steel, and deflects Flyons Flamethrower

Max: This is just getting boring.

Nate: Double Ice Punch, and double Dragon Claw!

Kubfu makes two fists of ice, and Flygon uses Dragon Claw with both claws. The two attacks collide, Flygon aims one claw at Kubfus face, and Kubfu punches Flygon in the face. The ice from Kubfus fist spreads onto Flygons face, and it falls backwards

Max: Flygon is unable to battle. Kubfu wins.

Nate: Thank you, Flygon.

Nate gets Flygon back in its ball, and lets Monferno out

Monferno: Ferno!

Gwen: Don't you think Kubfus had enough?

Nate: Kubfu, do you want to keep going?

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