Chapter 67: New Members!

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"In the dorm room, a week after the Iron Fists battle"

Liana: I can't believe you're sending Croconaw back home.

Nate: Yeah I know. But until it gets used to battling in with its new size, I think it'd be best if it trained with the others.

Liana: I'll make sure it gets stronger. You have any idea when the championship matches start?

Nate: We have to win a few matches from teams that visit Oblivia. Even if we lose a few battles then we could still get the right to battle world wide.

Liana: Don't forget that I'm the owner of the Mighty Vermillions.

Nate: On that subject, where were they when I was living with you guys?

Liana: I asked an old friend to whip them into shape, but then they left to see other careers.

Nate: Is this old friend training the current members?

Liana: Yup.

Nate: I got to get going now. Talk to you later.

Liana: Take care.

The screen goes black, and Nate gets up

Nate: Imphire, Riolu, Cinderace, Chimchar. Lets go.

Chimchar and Riolu jump onto Nates shoulders, Imphire stands on his head, Cinderace opens the door for them. Sai stands at the door

Sai: Bout time. Lets go.

Nate: How long have you been standing there?

Sai: Ten minutes. Move it or lose it.

"In the gym"

Nate: Pyro Ball!

Gwen: Shadow Ball!

Sai: Focus Blast!

Cinderace kicks a ball of fire, Absol launches a dark purple ball, and Bisharp throws a yellow ball. The three balls collide and explode

Nate: Blaze Kick on Absol!

Sai: Slash, lets go!

Cinderace jumps into the air, and dives at Absol with a foot of fire. Before the attack lands, Bisharp hits Cinderace away from Absol

Gwen: Shadow Strom!

Sai: Iron Head!

Bisharp slams its head down on Absol, and jumps back

Leah: Absol is unable to battle.

Gwen gets Absol back in its ball, and takes a few steps back

Sai: Now that she is out of the way, I can get payback for the other day.

Nate: Use Double Kick!

Cinderace runs to Bisharp, and round house kicks it twice, pushing it back

Sai: Use Focus Blast!

Nate: Pyro Ball!

Cinderace kicks Pyro Ball, Bisharp throws Focus Blast. The two attacks collide and explode. All the other members of the team stare with amazement

Sai/Nate: Let's wrap it up!

Sai: Use Guillotine!

Nate: Blaze Kick!

Bisharp extends one blade, Cinderace jumps into the air, and dives down with Blaze Kick. Bisharp leaps at Cinderace and thrusts its arm forward. Bisharp and Cinderace land on opposite sides of the room

Nate: Don't go down please.

Sai: Hang in there.

Bisharp and Cinderace fall to their sides

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