Chapter 129: Fossil Day!

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"In the meeting room at Gara Laboratory"

Woman on tv: Fossils! Fossils! Fossils! I'm proud to say that one of the largest Shieldon ever was restored from a fossil! So I invite you to come and see it!

Natsu: Largest ever?

Gio: Wow.

Natsu: Let's go see it!

Gio: Yeah!

Blake stares at an empty notebook

Professor Gara: That your science project?

Blake: Yeah.

Professor Gara: I got it. How about you do it on Fossil Pokémon?

Blake: Huh?

Professor Gara: Maybe you should go with Gio and Natsu.

Blake: What?

Gio: Yeah!

Natsu: We're leaving now.

They drag Blake outside

Blake: Hey wait!

"In Oreburgh City sciene museum"

Gio looks at an Omanyte with Cresilix on his shoulder

Gio: Wow! It's an Omanyte!

Natsu: Tigra, that's a Kabuto! And that's a Kabutops!

Tigra: Gra!

Gio: I can't wait to catch all these Pokémon!

Natsu: But where's Shieldon?

Blake: Over there.

They see a very long line

Worker: I regret to inform everyone that the Shieldon exhibit will close after these people see it!

Natsu: Aw man.

Gio: Bummer.

Blake: But it looks like something is going on over there.

They look

Worker: Enter here for the fossil dig! If you find a Pokémon Fossil, you can restore and catch it!

Gio: Let's do it!

Natsu: Yeah!

They rocks with small pick axes

Natsu: Aw man.

Worker: That's nothing. Sorry.

Natsu: Hmmm. Iron Tail!

Tigra cuts a rock in half with Iron Tail, nothing inside

Gio: Golurk, go!

Gio let's Golurk out

Golurk: Lurk?

Gio: Find some fossils please.

Golurk walks off. Blake breaks a rock in half and finds a shell shaped fossil

Blake: I think I got something.

Natsu: Looks kinda like a Shellder.

Blake: Hey Gio, what do you think about it?

Gio and his Pokémon hit rocks

Natsu: I'll help you bring it over.

Blake: Thanks so much.

They carry it away

"Now at sunset"

Blake: Gio, it's getting late.

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