Chapter 117: Frontier Tournament!

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"On a boat in Sunyshore City"

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball at a wild Mantyke in the water. The Pokéball hits Mantyke and goes back up to him. The ball shakes three times and dings

Pokedéx: Mantyke has been registered to your Pokedéx!

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Pokedéx: Mantyke has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: First catch of the day!

Natsu: I'm sure you'll catch a whole bunch in Hoenn.

Gio: Yeah, for sure!

"Now on the resort island in Hoenn"

Man on tv: Announcing the Battle Frontier Flute Cup, featuring the greatest Trainers and the strongest Pokémon! Each Trainer is allowed two Pokémon per battle!

Girl on tv: And the winner will receive this amazing five color flute set! I want you to enter, so please don't be shy!

The tv turns off and shoes the island

Gio: I get it now. Wait, Natsu? Have you chosen your partners yet?

Natsu: Sure. I'm going with Riolu and Tigra.

Riolu: Rio!

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu: So which two are you using?

Gio: Well, I chose Chimchar and Scyther. None of the other Pokémon wanted to come.

Natsu: This will be a lot of fun! I'm so fired up for this!

Tigra: Ti! Ti! Tigra!

Riolu: Riol, Riol!

Gio: So you're really into Pokémon Battles?

Natsu: Yup! The stronger the opponent, the stronger we get!

Gio: Still wish you asked me if I wanted to enter.

A gust of wind kicks up

Chimchar: Char!

Gio: A Pokémon! C'mon Chimchar!

Gio and Chimchar chase after the Pokémon

Natsu: There he goes.

A large shadow covers Natsu

Natsu: Wow, a Haryiama!

Natsu aims his Pokedéx at Haryiama

Natsu aims his Pokedéx at Haryiama

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