Chapter 83: Superstar!

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"In Lisa and Zanes house"

Nate sleeps in his bed, his left arm and right leg handing off the bed. Wearing a blue shirt and black pajama bottoms. Lindsey enters his loft with her Totodile on her shoulder

Lindsey: Wake up.

Lindsey nudges Nate's leg, and he doesn't wake up

Lindsey: Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way. Totodile.

Totodile: Dile?

Lindsey: Use Water Gun.

Totodile: Toto...dile!

Totodile hits Nate in the face with Water Gun. Nate jumps up and looks around frantically

Nate: What!? Where!? What happened!?

Lindsey: Morning.

Nate: Why'd you wake me up like that?

Lindsey: I'm not gonna let you waste your vacation sleeping.

Nate: Are my pokémon still sleeping?

Lindsey: Nope. They're eating breakfast outside with Lisa and Zanes pokémon.

Nate: When did they wake up?

Lindsey: Two hours ago. First they did some training, two hours, and are now eating. Your aunt is making pancakes.

Nate: Alright. Give me a minute.

Nate lays down on the bed and closes his eyes

Lindsey: Water G-

Nate sits up

Nate: I'm just taking a moment to wake up!

Lindsey: That's what I thought.

They exit the room, and see Zane and Ruby eating pancakes on snack trays infront of the tv

Nate: Where's Lisa?

Zane: Went outside to refill the pokémons food bowls. I did it yesterday morning so it was her turn. Your plates are on the counter with forks, two snack tables are ready for you guys on the couch.

Nate and Lindsey get their breakfast, and join Ruby and Zane on the couch

Ruby: Yummy!

Lindsey: You are so cute!

Ruby: You are still loud.

Nate laughs, and Lindsey lightly punches his arm. They all turn to their faces to the tv

News reporter: Hello, pokémon fans! I hope you're ready for this news broadcast! This report is being broadcasted all over Alola.

Nate: This station is popular I'm guessing?

Zane: Very.

News reporter: I'm Irene Star and today we have an exclusive interview with none other than famous action movie star, and model, Mina Light!

Multiple images of the trainer appear on the screen, and cut to Astrid sitting on a couch with blue hair, Irene sitting across from her

Multiple images of the trainer appear on the screen, and cut to Astrid sitting on a couch with blue hair, Irene sitting across from her

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