Chapter 86: World Championships Part 1!

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"At the Alter of the Sunne, two weeks after last chapter"

A boy gathers some pebbles in his hand and rolls them with a smile, a Luxray next to him

Boy: Head west and all will be revealed. Alright than. Luxray return.

The boy gets his Luxray in an ultra ball and runs down the stairs

"On Mount Lanakila"

Gou meditates on a block of ice, Nate standing infront of him waving a hand to his face

Nate: Hey, are you awake? Aren't you cold? You're wearing just a bathing suit, no shoes or shirt.

Gou opens his eyes

Nate: You are awake?

Gou nods

Nate: Can you teach me and my pokémon that meditation thing?

Gou closes his eyes

Nate: Guess I'll just have to copy him.

Nate and his pokémon sit on a block of ice infront of Gou and take the same position as him

Incineroar: Roar.

Tiga: Ga, Ga.

Passimian: Imian.

Lycanroc: Roc.

Nate: I know it's cold you guys, just have to ride it out. Just concentrate.

Gou: Be the void.

Nate: What does that mean?

Incineroar: Roar?

Nate: "Be the void."

Zane walks over wearing a snow suit

Zane: It means you have to clear your mind.

Nate: I see.

Nate and his pokémon close their eyes, the image of snow falling appears in their minds

"Two hours later"

Zane: Hey. Wake up.

Zane shakes Nate, and he opens his eyes

Nate: Where did your dad go?

Zane: Look up.

Nate looks up and sees Gou jumping from one ice stalagmite to the next with no gloves

Nate: Is your dad just asking to get frostbite?

Zane: I've been asking myself that exact same question for the past hour.

Nate: Get me up there.

Zane: No way. You are not ready for that. I also don't want to hear your mom complain that I let you do something dangerous.

Nate: Aw man.

Zane: Why don't you go outside with Lisa, Lindsey and Ruby. They're sledding.

Nate: Hey how come your mom didn't come with us?

Zane: She doesn't do well in the cold.

Nate: She used to be the Driftveil City Gym leader right?

Zane: Yup. But I rather not talk about that. Come on.

Nate and his pokémon get up, and follow Zane outside

"Now outside"

Ruby goes down a hill on her mother's Emboars belly. Lisa, Lindsey, Zane, Nate and the rest of their pokémon sit under a tree with a bench and table, drinking hot chocolate

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