Chapter 122: A Festival Battle!

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"On a plane"

Gio: We're finally going back to Kalos so I can catch some Kalos Pokémon!

Natsu: And so I can win the battle festival!

They fly over Lumiose City

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu: Hey it's Lumiose!

Gio: Wow!

Riolu smiles and wags its tail

Natsu: This was where me and Tigra met Riolu. It hatched from an egg we got.

Gio: Wow!

Monferno yawns

"At Shalour City bay"

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball at a Binacle and catches it

Pokedéx: Binacle has been registered to your Pokedéx!

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Pokedéx: Binacle has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: Our first Kalos Pokémon!

Monferno: Ferno.

A blue flower Flabébé floats by

Gio: That's a Flabébé!

They chase after it

"At the battle arena"

Announcer: Welcome to the grass battlefield, where Tigra and Clawitzer are in a heated battle!

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Announcer: Welcome to the grass battlefield, where Tigra and Clawitzer are in a heated battle!

Trainer: All right, Clawitzer, use Flash Cannon!

Natsu: Tigra, use Thunderbolt!

Tigra uses Thunderbolt, and Clawitzers Flash Cannon absorbs it

Natsu: What!?

Announcer: I don't believe it! Clawitzer absorbed the Thunderbolt with it's claw!

A girl and a Lucario stand at the top of the spectator seats

Girl: All right, Natsu. What's next?

Trainer: Flash Cannon absorbed your Electric type move.

Natsu: Use Iron Tail!

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