Chapter 53: Motostoke!

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Sora pov

Me and Kris were at a noodle shop in Motostoke. I was still on first bowl, and Kris was onto her sixth. The customers and I had shocked experisons, as did Weavile and Raichu

More please. Kris said, and added her empty bowl to the others

We're all out. The shop keeper said

Can we just get the bill? I asked, and he immediately gave me a bill

It's sixty five bucks kid. The man said, and took the empty bowls

Hang on. I said, then rumaged through my bag, and gave him his money

Lets get to the stadium. Registration starts soon. I said, then got out of my seat, Weavile on my right shoulder, and Raichu on my left

Right. Kris replied, then got up and we made our way to the stadium

"Now at the registration desk"

Ok kid, what do you want your jersey number to be? A man asked, standing behind a counter

Six four. I replied, and he typed on a computer

You'll get it tomorrow. The man said

Thank you. I said, then me and Kris made our way to the door

Well what do we have here? A voice asked, and I bumped into something, making me land on my butt

Nice fall, kid. Where'd you learn it from? Your mum? A female voice asked, and I heard a bunch of laughing

What kind of insult is that? I asked, and noticed they all had pink faces with black Xs on them

The best kind, and you're not gonna win the league. Our bosses little sister is gonna win, you wank. One of the women said

How about a battle? I win, and you all shut your traps, you win, and I drop out of the Galar Cup. I said

Sora don't. Kris whispered in my ear

I know what I'm doing. I said

Alright. But you got to take us all on at once. Of the men said, making everyone in the room gasp

You guys have a transfer machine? I asked the man behind the counter, and two men brought me a transfer machine

There you go, sir. The men said, and walked away

Thank you. I replied, and gave Liana a call

"After the call, now outside"

Lets go! The group of pink faced idiots yelled, and threw different types of pokeballs

Linoone! A Linoone roared, coming out of an ultra ball

Tar! A Tyranitar roared, coming out of a pokeball

Toxt. A pokemon I've never seen before said

Cro. A Croagunk croaked

Who's that? I asked, and pulled out my phone to scan it

Toxtricity, the punk pokemon, an electric and poison type, and the evolved form of Toxel. Capable of generating 15,000 volts of electricity, this Pokémon looks down on all that would challenge it. My phone said, and I put it away

Infernape, lets go! I yelled, and threw a pokeball

Fernape! Infernape roared

Use Flamethrower on Tyranitar! I yelled

Use Fire Blast! A man yelled

Infernape roared flames, and Tyranitar fired a star of fire. The attacks collided and exploded

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