Chapter 28: Monthes later!

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Sora pov

Ok Croagunk use Brick Break. I said

Use Drain Punch. Gardenia said

Croagunk ran at lightning fast speed, and punched Cacturne in the stomach, and Cacturne did the same thing, causing dust from the ground to surround them both

Use Poison Jab full power! I yelled

Croagunk punched Cacturne so hard that it hit a tree in the gym, knocking it out cold, and the tree fell down as well

Cacturn is unable to battle, Croagunk wins, there for the match goes to the challenger. The robot said

Gardenia walked over to me

Take this, as proof of your victory, the Forest badge. Gardenia said, and I placed the badge in my bag

Thank you, just six more badges. I said

Well see ya. Kuza said, than he and his Riolu bolted out the gym

"Monthes later, pokemon center in lily of the valley"

So you made it, good job. Chloe said into the call

Thanks, but I'm going to need a huge favor. I said to her

What would that be? Chloe asked

I don't just want to use the pokemon I caught here in Sinnoh, I want to use all the pokemon I've caught. I said to her

Alright than, what five pokemon would you like me to send you? Chloe asked

Dragonite, Weavile, Tyranitar, Dewott, and Mienfoo. I said

Alright than, just send over the five pokemon you have right now. Chloe said

About ten mintues later I got my pokemon

Ok everyone come on out! I yelled happily

Ty! Tyranitar roared

Dra! Dragonite roared

Weavile. Weavile said calmy

Dewott Dewott Dew! Dewott roared

Mien! Mienfoo yelled

Olu, Olu. Riolu cheered and climbed up Tyranitars back, standing on his shoulder

Woah I had no idea you had a Dewott, and a Mienfoo. Emma said

Hey guys long time no see. I said to my pokemon

They all tackled me down and hugged me

Hey, Sora long time no see! I heard a voice say

Kuza! I said happily, getting out of my pokemons hold on me, and Kuza ran over to me on his Samurotts back

Sup. Kiza replied, and fist bumped me, as our Riolus did the same

Dew! Dewott said, growling at Samurott

Samu! Samurott said, doing the same

Dewott return. I said, and got Dewott back in his ball

What was that about Samurott? Kuza asked

Dewott has never acted like that before, I'll ask professor Chloe later. So you registered? I asked Kuza

Yup, and I'm going to win it all. Kuza said

That's what you think, because I'm going to win this. I said

Best of luck to you than. Woah you have a Dragonite! Kuza yelled, and circled around Dragonite

Yup, he's one of my strongest pokemon too. I said

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