Chapter 39: The Battle Continues!

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Sora pov

Awesome work Garchomp, lets keep it up. I said to my newly evolved pokemon

Gar. Garchomp replied, not facing me

Garchomp return. Cameron said, and got his Garchomp back in its ball

Be careful Garchomp. I said

Chomp. Garchomp replied

Weavile, break it! Cameron yelled, and threw his third pokeball

Weavile, break it! Cameron yelled, and threw his third pokeball

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Weavile. Camerons Weavile yawned

Use Brick Break! I yelled

Dodge and use Ice Punch! Cameron yelled

Garchomp ran at Weavile, a wing glowing white pulled back, and Weavile running with a fist of ice. Garchomp swung the attack and Weavile jumped up in the air, avoiding the attack, than punched Garchomp on the head, making him fall foward

Garchomp is unable to battle, Weavile wins. Camerons brother said

Return. Cameron said, and got Weavile back in its ball

Garchomp return. I said and got Garchomp back in his ball, than attached it to my belt

Ursaring, break it! Cameron yelled, and threw his fourth pokeball

Ursar! His Ursaring roared

I'll make you both pay for giving me these scars. I said with a low growl

Than make us pay. Cameron replied

Elekid, lets go! I yelled, and threw third ball

Elekid! Elekid roared

Use Focus Blast. Cameron said

Block it with Brick Break! I yelled

Ursaring threw a blue sphere, and Elekid blocked it with its attack, than ran at Ursaring and hit it in the stomach, pushing it back

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Ursaring threw a blue sphere, and Elekid blocked it with its attack, than ran at Ursaring and hit it in the stomach, pushing it back

Use Hammer Arm. Cameron said

Ursarings arm began to glow white, than it ran at Elekid, and punched it in the face

Elekid! I yelled with worry

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