Chapter 119: A Battle For Champion!

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"In Gara Laboratory kitchen"

Natsu and Gio talk to Nate on video chat

Natsu: Wait so you want to invite us to the finals of this years World Championships?

Gio: And this year it's in the Hoenn Regions Mauville City.

Nate: That's right. Natsu, I was able to get everyone here at the shelter front row seats. But before it starts, me and the workers are gonna surprise them with a carnival. It'll have food, and games, and a lot more stuff.

Natsu: Count me in!

Gio: Yeah same here!

Nate: I'll arrange travel arrangements now.

Natsu: This is gonna be epic!

Gio: Yeah!

"Hours later, at the shelter"

"Hours later, at the shelter"

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Natsu: Hey! I'm back!

Natsu and Gio approach the entrance, and Ryuko answers

Natsu and Gio approach the entrance, and Ryuko answers

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Ryuko: Welcome back, mate. You must Gio.

Gio: Hi there. This is my partner Chimchar.

Chimchar: Chim!

Ryuko: Ryuko's the name. Come inside, training is about to begin.

"In the training room"

Gio looks inside from see through glass, Nate sitting on a chair. Natsu inside with Tigra

Nate: Okay, Ryuko and Kylie. I want you two to release ten percent of it.

Ryuko and Kylie: Right.

Dark energy rises from them

Natsu: That's good. But give it a little more power.

Ryuko: Hmmmmaaah!

Energy shoots out from Ryuko and sucks the air out of the room

Natsu: Ryuko! You need to stop!

Kylie: Can't breathe!

Tigra: Gra!

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