Chapter 111: Icirrus Battles!

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"Just outside of Icirrus City"

Natsu: We're finally here! Yes!

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Natsu: We're finally here! Yes!

Mick: The city where you'll have your seventh gym badge.

Clair: Well before we go to the gym we need to head to the Pokémon Center, and I need to get clothes for the cold.

Natsu: Oh that's right, you don't like the cold.

Riolu jumps off Natsu's shoulder and shakes a bit

Natsu: Riolu, are you okay?

Riolu falls foward and Tigra catches it before it hits the ground

Natsu: Riolu!?

Natsu holds Riolu, Mick places his hand on Riolu's forehead

Mick: It's hot to the touch. This is a really bad fever I'm afraid.

Natsu: Let's get to the Pokémon Center now.

They run into the city, and get to the Pokémon Center

Natsu: Nurse Joy, please help my Riolu!

Nurse Joy: What happened?

Mick: We just got near the city and it collapsed. When I felt its forehead it was really warm.

Clair: What caused this?

Nurse Joy takes a hold of Riolu and feels its face

Nurse Joy: It's still burning up. Please wait here.

Nurse Joy and her Audino run into the back room

Natsu: Riolu....

Tigra: Gra, Gra.

A girl covers Natsu's eyes

Natsu: What the!?

???: Guess who?

Tigra turns around and smiles widely

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu gets away and turns around

Natsu gets away and turns around

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Natsu: Hannah!

Hannah: Hey, Natsu. Long time no see.

Mick: Natsu, who is she?

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