So this is 15 years later in my book "Ash and Serenas Children"
Luka and Grace get married at the age of 20 now 5 years later their daughter,named Lisa who is 7, wants a little brother so Luka and Grace go to an Orphanage and
read the rest to find...
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Clair: Mistralton City!
Mick: And there's the gym!
Natsu: C'mon guys, let's go!
Mick: Wait a minute!
Natsu: What?
Clair: We should go to the Pokémon Center first, then we go to the gym.
Natsu: Right.
Tigra: Gra!
Natsu: You pumped, buddy?
Tigra: Gra!
Natsu: Same here!
Krokorok comes out of its pokeball
Krokorok: Kroko!
Natsu: You wanna battle too?
Krokorok nods
Clair: You've already decided to Tigra, I think Krokorok and Boldore are your best choices at winning your sixth badge.
Mick: Clair's right. Both Krokorok and Boldore know Rock type moves, which are super effective against Flying types.
Natsu: Well the thing is I was planning on using Tranquill for the battle. I've only used it for my first gym battle back when it was a Pidove, and I know it's been training really hard with my Pokémon back home.
Krokorok: Kroko?
Natsu: Don't worry Krokorok, I'm gonna use you for the battle.
Krokorok: Krokorok!
Riolu: Iolu?
Natsu: Riolu, I'll use you for our seventh gym battle.
Riolu: Riol!
"After the Pokémon Center"
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Natsu: Hey! I want a gym battle!
The doors open and a blade reaches Natsu's forehead