Chapter: 110: Leavanny VS The Leaf Thieves!

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"In an open forest clearing"

Natsu: Swadloon, use Tackle!

Swadloon: Loon

Swadloon uses Tackle and hits Clair's Emolga onto its back

Clair: Emolga, are you okay?

Emolga: Emol!

Emolga gets back on its feet

Clair: Awesome! Use Discharge!

Emolga: Ga!

Emolga uses Discharge and hits Swadloon

Clair: Use Hidden Power!

Emolga: Emol!

Emolga throws Hidden Power

Natsu: Swadloon, dodge it!

Swadloon dodges Hidden Power

Mick: Watch their battle carefully.

Riolu, Mienfoo, and Axew nod

Natsu: Use String Shot!

Clair: Dodge it!

Emolga dodges String Shot

Natsu: Keep it up!

Clair: Keep dodging!

Swadloon keeps firing String Shot, Emolga dodges some of the shots but gets wrapped up by one

Natsu: Now use Razor Leaf!

Swadloon uses Razor Leaf and hits Emolga. Emolga hits the ground

Mick: Emolga is unable to battle. Swadloon wins!

Natsu: All right!

Swadloon: Loon!

Swadloon glows white. Swadloon grows legs, arms, and a body

Leavanny: Leavanny!

Natsu: You evolved! Oh yes!

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Natsu: You evolved! Oh yes!

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu aims his pokedex at Leavanny

Pokedex: Leavanny has been registered to your pokedex. Leavanny, The Nurturing Pokémon, a Grass and Bug type, and the final evolved form of Sewaddle. When Leavanny finds a small Pokémon, it makes clothing for it with its arm cutters, using leaves and sticky silk. Congratulations on registering a complete alternate color Pokémon evolution chain.

Natsu puts his phone away

Natsu: Wow. Thanks, Emolga. Swadloon evolved because of you.

Emolga smiles with its eyes closed

Clair: You're the best, Emolga.

Emolga: Emol!

Mienfoo, and Axew approach Leavanny and smile

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