Chapter 164: Greninja!

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"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Gio, Blake, and Alex look at the monitor showing a VS between Natsu and Tenka's battle profile pictures

Gio: I can't believe Tenka made it to the Master's Eight.

Blake: I can. The second Natsu told him about the Royal Cup he immidietly entered and left the Youth Center to climb ranks.

Alex: Who's Tenka?

Gio: Tenka is Natsu's Rival

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Gio: Tenka is Natsu's Rival. He helped us defeat Drasara a while back.

Blake: After that battle with it he came back here with Natsu and Gio and kept challenging Natsu to one battle after the other. What was that thing he said when begging Natsu for a battle while chasing him around?

Gio: He kept yelling "Brother."

News Caster: This promotion battle will decide who be competing in the Master's Eight Tournament. If Natsu wins, his and Tenka's rank will swap. The battle will be held in the Galar Region's new Stadium in the Crown Tundra. Order your tickets now before they sell out. The battle will be in four days from now.

Alex: Speaking of Natsu, where is he?

Gio: Follow me.

"In Gara Fields"

Natsu: Weavile, Shadow Ball! Silvally use Ice Fang!

Weavile jumps and throws a giant Shadow Ball, Silvally grabs it with Ice Fang and destroys it

Natsu: Warzox, defend! Tigra, use Iron Tail!

Warzox makes a shield and blocks Tigra's Iron Tail

Natsu: Noivern, use Hurricane! Lucario, Aura Sphere!

Noivern uses Hurricane and Lucario uses Aura Sphere. Aura Sphere hits Noivern and it lands on its back. Alex, Gio, Blake, Lizzie, and Infernape watch from a hill holding buckets of berries

Alex: How long have they been doing this?

Gio: They've been training since Natsu got the Promotion Battle notice.

Blake: What time did he get it?

Gio: Eight in the morning.

Alex: What time is it now?

Blake: Three twenty two.

Alex: They've been training for four hours!?

Gio: Yep. Natsu has never gotten out of bed so early.

Blake: They all look exhausted.

Gio: Hey! We brought food!

Natsu and his Pokémon look and smile

Natsu: Okay everyone, lunch break.

They bring the buckets over and Natsu's Pokémon eat

Gio: They're really going at it.

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