Chapter 9: Kalos Battle!

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"One month after last chapter, in Lumiose City"

The trainers arrive outside Lumiose Conference

Ryon: Lumiose Conference.

Liana: Wow it's so big.

Liana: Wow it's so big

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Sora: Yup. This is where the kalos king is crowned the strongest in the land.

Alice: Feels good to be home.

Tom: Tell me about it, the air feels so nice. Tom said

???: Hey Sora been awhile!

Sora looks to the side and sees Luka running over

Sora: Hey Dad!

Luka stops infront of Sora

Luka: Heard you were battling here today. I thought I'd come to watch.

Sora: Yeah, and I came here to win.

Scorbunny: Scorbun, Bun.

Luka: Well your friends better get inside and find some seats. The match is starting soon.

Sora: Alice watch the egg, Scorbunny, and Sneasel while I'm battling please.

Alice: Sure.

Sora hands Alice the egg, Scorbunny jumps onto her shoulder and Sora hands her Sneasels Pokéball

"In the hallway heading to the field"

Announcer: In the blue corner, he just recently entered the World Championships, give it up for Sora Ketchum!

Sora steps out and waves to the cheering crowd

Announcer: And his opponent, the Kalos Regions strongest gym leader. Soras father, Luka Ketchum!

Luka steps out on the opposite side of Sora

Sora: You got to be kidding me. You're my opponent!?

Luka: Yeah. Now bring out the type wheel. Whatever type it lands on I have to use that type of Pokémon.

"In the seats"

Liana: What does he mean by type wheel?

Alice: Sora's dad is a gym leader, one of the strongest in Kalos.

Tom: His gym isn't a specific type. He has every type of Pokémon but Fairy type. He lets who ever challenges him to a gym battle to spin a wheel and whatever it lands he has to use that type.

Liana: Um...

Ryon: It means if Sora doesn't land on something good it could cost him the match.

Liana: Oh.

"Back on the battlefield"

Sora spins the wheel and it lands on Fighting Type

Sora: Oh no.

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