Chapter 170: Masters Eight Tournament Begins! Part 1!

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Outside of Wyndon Stadium"

Natsu, Gio, Alex, Lizzie stand outside the stadium and see the Royal Cup logo in the air made by Rotom Drones

Natsu, Gio, Alex, Lizzie stand outside the stadium and see the Royal Cup logo in the air made by Rotom Drones

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Natsu: Tigra, let's win this!

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Natsu: Tigra, let's win this!

Tigra: Gra!

Gio: The day has finally come.

Alex: The biggest tournament in the world.

Natsu: And we'll win!

They run to the stadium, a girl stops them

Girl: Hold it!

Girl: Hold it!

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Alex: Huh?

Gio: Um.

Natsu: Who are you?

Girl: You're Natsu Winters. Let's have a battle!

The girl takes an Ultra Ball out of her pocket

Natsu: You're on!

Girl: Chespin, go!

The girl throws the Ultra Ball and a Chespin comes out

Chespin: Ches!

Natsu: Tigra, you're up!

Tigra: Gra!

Tigra jumps off Natsu's shoulder and smirks

Girl: Use Take Down!

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