Chapter 91: Sinnoh!

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"On a boat to Sunyshore City"

Natsu: Look there it is! Sunyshore City!

Natsu and Tigra stand at the edge of the boat and points at the city

Taylor: Stop yelling.....please? I hate boats. [Vomits]

Natsu: Have you been sea sick this whole time?

Taylor: Yes...

Diego walks over with a bag over his shoulder

Diego: You weren't kidding when you said you get sea sick.

Taylor: Why would I?

Astrid pats Taylors back

Astrid: There, there, let it out.

Taylor vomits again

Mike: I think I'm gonna be sick now.

Mike throws up over board

Natsu: You get sea sick too?

Mike: No... whenever I see someone throw up, I throw up to.

The boat stops, the force causes Natsu to fall into the water

Diego: Are you ok!?

Natsu comes out of the water for air

Natsu: Never better! The water is nice and warm! Real relaxing!

A mix of Taylors and Mikes vomit is getting pushed to Natsu from the water

Diego: Watch out for their vomit!

Natsu notices the vomit and freaks out

Natsu: Aaaah! No! No! No!

Natsu swims to a ladder and climbs onto the deck. Tigra jumps off the boat, onto the dock, and jumps onto Natsu's shoulder

Tigra: Tigra!

Diego and Mike jump off the boat and land next to Natsu. Astrid walks down the stair of the boat carrying Taylor on her back, Taylors Eevee sleeping around the back of her neck

Natsu: Taylor, you ok?

Astrid puts Taylor down

Taylor: Yes! Sweet beautiful land!

Natsu: Why are we here again?

Astrid: Sunyshore City isn't our destination. We're heading to Eterna City.

Natsu: Eterna City?

Mike: Why there?

Diego: Same question as Mike.

Astrid: There are other types of pokémon battles known as pokémon contests. They were originally created in the Hoenn region, trainers can compete in them in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. The trainers who compete in them are called "Pokémon Coordinators."

Natsu: I think I've heard of those. Do you mean Pokémon Showcases?

Taylor: That's only in Kalos.

Natsu: Oh...

Mike: We going?

Astrid: Yep, just gotta wait on our taxi.

Taylor: Taxi?

A Corviknight flies down to them with a metal box

Natsu: What's that?

Mike: That's a Corviknight. They're in every region and are popular for sky taxi services.

Natsu aims his phone at the Corviknight as it lands

Natsu aims his phone at the Corviknight as it lands

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