Chapter 19: Father Daughter Problems!

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Sora pov

We were all in Lianas home town, Blackthorn City in the Johto region, but we were here because Alices dad called her over to his company

So where is your dads company? Ryon asked

Follow me. Alice said with a dull voice, as we walked down the street

 Alice said with a dull voice, as we walked down the street

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We walked for thirty minutes and arrived at a mansion

We walked for thirty minutes and arrived at a mansion

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This is where my dad runs his company. Alice said, than the gates opened, and we walked inside

Welcome home Alice. A tall well built man said

Hello father, these are my freinds. Alice said even more dull than before

I see, thank you for keeping her company, now it is time to say goodbye and send you to buisness school. Alices father said

What!? Karen yelled

You heard me, it's time to say goodbye because I'm sending my daughter away to business school in the morning. Alices father said

About that, father. Alice said with her head down, her hands at her waste making fists

What is it? Her father responded

I'm not going! Alice yelled

You dare deny me! Her father yelled

You can't decide how I live my life, I do! Alice yelled

Alright you know what Alice, lets have me battle one of your friends, I win you stay here, if one of them win then you can do what you want. Her father said

Deal. I said

And just who do you think you are? Alices father asked

Sora Winters. I said with a glare

Jack Soka. Alices father said

Sir the battle field out back is ready. A butler said, with a towel around his arm

Thank you Anthony, you are free for the rest of the day. Jack said, than led me to the battle field

The battle field had a giant rock wall on the side which would mean Jacks pokemon could trap mine

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