Chapter 36: Evolution Pride!

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Sora pov, walking through a forest

Chimchar was on my shoulder, Dewott on my left, Litleo on my right, and my friends with me

How much longer till we get there? Tom asked

It's a two day walk, and this forest feels like it never ends. Alice said

Tell me about it. I said

Lit. Litleo said, than ran through some bushes

Litleo wait! I yelled, than we all followed it

Litleo Litleo! Litleo roared, running through bush after bush

Wait! I yelled again, than we all came to a stop in a field of grass, and there were many Litleo and bigger pokemon

Who are those pokemon? Kuza asked, and took out his pokedex

Pyroar, the royal pokemon, and the final evolved form of Litleo, a normal and fire type

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Pyroar, the royal pokemon, and the final evolved form of Litleo, a normal and fire type. The male with the largest mane of fire is the leader of the pride, while the females take care of the young. Kuzas pokedex said, and put it away

Roar! A male Pyroar roared, and used Flamethrower, that missed on purpose

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Roar! A male Pyroar roared, and used Flamethrower, that missed on purpose

Hey what was that for!? Alice yelled

Py! The same Pyroar growled, getting ready to pounce

Litle! My Litleo roared, than headbut the Pyroar

Litleo? I said in shock

Do you think this used to your Litleos pride? Tom whispered into my ear

Yes, Litleo wouldn't have ran here then. I repiled

Py! The females and other male Pyroars roared, and surrounded the two fighting

Litleo! Litleo roared, and headbuted it's evolution in the face, knocking it back

Py! Pyroar roared, and used Flamethrower, engulfing my Litleo in fire

Leo! Litleo roared,

A blue light came from the fire, and the flames began to move to Litleos mouth

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