Chapter 121: A Big Outing!

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"At Gara Laboratory"

Natsu, Riolu, Tigra, Gio, and Monferno snore in their beds

Rotom Phone: Wake up! Wake up! This is your alarm! Wake up!

Gio turns the alarm off

Gio: Natsu, wake up. It's morning.

Tigra pushes Natsu's face. Blake enters the room

Blake: Gio, will you and Natsu get up? Did you forget day it is?

Natsu and Gio: Huh? Oh, right.

Natsu puts his jacket on

Blake: Wait, Natsu do you sleep in what you wear everyday?

Natsu: I don't change into sleep wear if I'm to tired.

Blake: Gonna pretend I didn't even ask. Gio, get up.

Gio: Yeah, yeah.

"In the main room"

Professor Gara stands before three young boys, and girls, one being Kenny

Professor Gara: Welcome, and thank you for coming to Pokémon Orienteering. I'm Professor Gara. This is my lab.

Kris: I'm Kris, his assistant.

Professor Gara: And now I'd like for you to meet your guides for today. Two very special Trainers.

Natsu: Hi. My name's Natsu.

Gio: And I'm Gio.

Kenny: Hey, Gio!

Gio: Hey, Kenny!

Kenny laughs

Blake: Calm down, please.

Professor Gara: Now, everyone, what are we investigating today?

Kids: Pokémon!

Professor Gara: Correct. Pokémon are amazing creatures that we live with.

The holographic monitor shows Pokémon underwater, in the skies, in towns

Professor Gara: Even in Sunyshore City you'll find all kinds of Pokémon everywhere you look. It is with that hope in mind that I set up this little event today. The patches I gave you are the teams you're on. So yellow team is with me.

Kris: Blue team is with Natsu, and red is with Gio and Blake. You will split up and make your way toward Sunyshore Port. To see how each team preforms, we'll be keeping track of the Pokémon you observe going there.

Professor Gara: So make sure you spot as many Pokémon as you can.

Kids: Okay!

All: Let's go!

"At a fork in the road of the middle of the city"

Professor Gara: This is where we spilt up. So good luck.

Natsu: Thanks.

Gio: See you there.

They all split up

"With Natsu"

Natsu: There's one.

Kid 1: Who's that?

Kid 2: Yeah.

Natsu: Benji, Lizzy, let's check it out.

Natsu aims his Pokedéx at it and Benji and Lizzy look at the screen

Natsu aims his Pokedéx at it and Benji and Lizzy look at the screen

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