Chapter 50: Kalos League!

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"Sora pov, dinner party, and day before the first round"

Welcome trainers. Tomorrow you'll be battling eachother in a three on three battle. When the tournament reaches to the fourth round, it will be a six on six battle. So until then, enjoy your dinner! Professor Marin yelled, and everyone cheered

???: Hey Sora!

Sora: Johnny!

Johnny runs to Sora and they shake hands

Johnny: Good to see you.

Sora: Right back at you.

Johnny: So you're competing?

Sora: Yup, and I plan to win it all for Rick.

Johnny: Me too.

Sora: So how is Melissa?

Johnny: She's traveling around Johto right now.

Sora: Let me guess, Pokémon contests?

Johnny: Yup.

Marin: Trainers, please turn your attention to the moniter.

All the Trainers look at the monitor showing the match ups

Johnny: I'm in the first round.

Sora: And you're up against Ben.

Johnny: You know him?

Sora: I battled him four days ago, and lost.

(I am to lazy to write for that battle)

Johnny: It doesn't matter how strong he is. I've got a secret weapon for him.

Sora: What is it?

Johnny: You'll see.

Sora: Okay, and I'm in the twenty fourth round.

Johnny: Looks like your friend Ryon is in the last match of the day.

Kuza: And I'm in the third round.

Sora: If I had a key stone I would have my mom send Lucario over. Then I could use Mega Evolution.

Kuza: I called my Lucario over. It's gonna lead the way to victory.

"Next day"

Rotom Drone: The field for the first round of the Kalos League will be.....a grass field!

Johnny: So you battled my friend Sora a few days ago?

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Johnny: So you battled my friend Sora a few days ago?

Ben: Yes. It was a fun battle. I want to battle him once again.

Johnny: Sorry pal, but me and Gyarados are going to battle him!

Johnny throws a Pokéball and his Gyarados comes out

Gyarados: Dos!

Gyarados: Dos!

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