Chapter 163: Ultra Class Fusion Battle!

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"In Obliva, Jewel City"

Natsu and Gio hop run down the stairs of the boat and stand on the docks

Natsu: Hello Jewel City!

Gio: Hello Oblivia Pokémon!

Tigra: Gra!

Grookey: Groo!

Tigra and Grookey wave their arms around

Natsu: So we'll meet back at the stadium right?

Gio: Definitely.

Natsu and Gio run down the dock and split up

"In a park"

Natsu sits on a bench outside the stadium and looks at his phone

Natsu: So my next opponent is ranked twelfth, and she's one of Olivia's Elite Four. Tami Storm.

 Tami Storm

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Tigra: Gra.

Natsu: We've got four hours until the battle. C'mon out everyone!

Natsu lets his Pokémon out

Silvally: Vally!

Warzox: War!

Lucario: Rio!

Noivern: Noi!

Weavile: Vile!

Natsu: We've got our next Ultra Class battle in a few hours. So let's get trai-

Warzox swings a glowing sword of fur up and down

Natsu: What are you doing?

Silvally bites down on the sword and glows

Natsu: What?

Warzox takes it sword out and charges at a tree and pierces it

???: That was War Strike.

Natsu turns around and sees Striker walking over

Natsu: Striker!

Tigra growls

Striker: Training for your next battle I see.

Natsu: Yeah. These are my Pokémon. Silvally, Lucario, Warzox, Weavile, and Noivern. You already know Tigra.

Striker: Nice to meet you all.

Natsu: This is Striker Fire. The Royal Cup King before Connor. What was that you said before? War Strike?

Striker: A move only Warzox can use. They channel a lot of power into their swords and always land a blow that knocks out the target.

Natsu: Awesome!

Silvally: Vally!

Silvally uses Dragon Pulse on the tree Warzox hit and breaks it in half

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