Chapter 123: A Wild Galar Day!

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"In a forest in Galar"

Gio: We've been here for six hours and not one Pokémon!

Natsu: Cheer up. We'll find one soon enough.

Monferno pats Gio's back

Tigra: Ti?

Riolu: Riol!

Natsu: What's wrong?

Riolu gets two Vacuum Waves ready. Tigra standa on all fours

Gio: Huh?

Monferno: Ferno?

A Skwovet walks by

Skwovet: Sk?

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gii catches Skwovet

Pokedéx: Skwovet has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Pokedéx: Skwovet has been registered to your Pokedéx!

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Gio: Yes! Our first Galar Pokémon!

Natsu: Awesome!

Gio: Rotom, what other Pokémon are in the area?

Rotom Phone: Unable to determine what Pokémon are near.

Gio: Aw man.

Natsu: Don't worry. We'll find some more Pokémon eventually.

Gio: I hope you're right.

A twig snaps and Riolu uses Vacuum Wave

???: Ow!

Natsu and Gio: Ow!?

A girl stands up from the bushes

Girl: Hey what was that for you jerk!

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Girl: Hey what was that for you jerk!

Natsu: I'm so sorry! Riolu, apologize!

Riolu bows

Girl: Cutie!

The girl holds Riolu like a baby

Riolu: Rio? Rio....

Natsu: Huh?

Gio: Ummm.

Riolu smiles

Natsu: Riolu's never acted like when someone holds it.

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