Chapter 107: Battling The Bully!

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"Two days after last chapter, on the road"

Krokorok: Kroko!

Natsu: You wanna a rematch?

Tigra jumps off Natsu's shoulder and growls at Krokorok. Krokorok swings its tail and Tigra pushes it back

Natsu: What was that for?

Tigra: Gra!

Mick: Looks like it really wants to fight, and it's been following us.

Krokorok nods yes. A flashback shows it was watching the Battle Club tournament finals in Nimbasa Town, Natsu's Nimbasa City Gym battle, and Natsu's Driftveil City Gym battle appear in its head, watching from the shadows

Clair: So what are you doing here?

Natsu: I really think it just wants to battle.

Mick: Agreed.

Krokorok points at Tigra

Natsu: All right. Tigra, use Iron Tail!

Tigra uses Iron Tail, and Krokorok dodges with dig. Krokorok comes up from behind Tigra with a Crunch

Natsu: Dodge it!

Tigra jumps away and avoids Krokorok's attack

Krokorok: Kroko!

Stones circle around Krokorok

Mick: It's using Stone Edge!

Natsu: Intercept it with Electro Ball!

Tigra: Gra!

Krokorok: Krok!

Stone Edge and Electro Ball collide and explode, sending Tigra and Krokorok flying

Natsu: Tigra!

Mick: Oh no!

Clair: This is bad!

Riolu: Olu!

Natsu: Come on!

They run in the direction Tigra was going

"In the near by town"

A young boy walks on the sidewalk and catches Tigra. Tigra used Thunderbolt and the boy falls

Boy: Ow.

Tigra: Ti?

The boy gets up and looks at Tigra

Boy: Are you a Pokémon? I've never seen one like you before.

Tigra: Ti?

Boy: I found a new species! Yes!

Tigra: Gra?

Boy: You just made my day! Maybe you're a legendary Pokémon like Zekrom!

The boy picks Tigra up

Tigra: Gra?

Boy: Please be my friend? My name is Marcus by the way.

Tigra: Tigra?

"At a park"

Marcus holds Tigra above his head infront of two other boys

Marcus: Shane, Charles! Check out my Dad's new Pokémon! It's a legendary Pokémon!

Shane: Are you sure? A legendary Pokémon? Lemme borrow it!

Shane grabs Tigra

Marcus: Hey, be careful.

Charles: I think I've seen that Pokémon before. Yeah! That's a Tigra!

Marcus: Tigra?

Shane: Never heard of it.

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