Chapter 181: A Trip To Dyna Tree Hill!

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"In the hotel room"

Alex lays in bed, snoring, hair a mess. Lizzie standa at the foot of the bed with Dreepy around her shoulder. Natsu, and Gio with their small Pokémon on their shoulders

Natsu: She sleeps more then I do.

Gio: Seems like it.

Lizzie grabs Alex by the ankle and pulls her off the bed, Alex hits the floor and wakes up

Alex: Why?

Natsu: You gotta dressed. The train to the Isle of Armor leaves soon.

Gio: You said you wanted to catch some Dragon Type Pokémon.

Alex: Five more minutes.

Natsu: We've got a Sky Taxi waiting. He said we have ten minutes minutes or he's leaving.

Alex: All right. I'll get dressed.

"Two hours later, in a forest on the Isle of Armor"

Alex, and Lizzie walk with Natsu, and Gio behind them

Natsu: So where are there Dragon Types around here?

Alex: No clue. I figured we just walk around until we find some.

Gio: Well where did you find Druddigon?

Alex: I found Druddigon in a cave. I caught it by jumping on its back and tiring it out.

Natsu: Wait you jumped on its back?!

Gio: But Druddigon have rough skin, don't tell me you didn't feel any pain from that.

Alex: Oh I did. But Lizzie was still a Riolu when met Druddigon.

Natsu: So where did you find Druddigon?

Alex: Druddigon are known as the Cave Pokémon, so they're usually just found in caves, and that's it.

Natsu: Let me check something.

Natsu takes his phone out and scrolls through it

Natsu: The only Dragon Types that can be found here are Druddigon,Dragalge, and Kingdra.

Alex: So where Kingdra?

Gio: Finding a fully evolved Kingdra are rarely seen.

Alex: Isn't that how you caught yours?

Gio: Well yes, but that was because there were whirlpools in the area and I just got lucky.

Alex: So search to see if there are any whirlpools in the sea.

Gio: Doesn't work like that.

Natsu: The people on this island spend pretty much all their time training, and don't really get a break.

Gio: And the wheather has to be specific.

Alex: So what about Dragalge? I'm guessing they're also in the sea?

Natsu: According to my phone, yes.

Alex: Looks like we're going in the water.

Gio: Or better idea. We fly over it.

Natsu: Noivern, you're up!

Gio: Flygon, help us out!

Natsu and Gio let Noivern and Flygon out of their Pokéballs and smile

Natsu: Take your pick.

Alex: I'll fly on Noivern.

Natsu: All right then.

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