Chapter 21: Virbank City!

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Wow Virbank City! Tom and Ryon yelled like kids

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Wow Virbank City! Tom and Ryon yelled like kids

Idiots, how many times have I said to not act like kids! Liana yelled, pulling them by the hair after hitting the backs of their heads

Ow! Ryon and Tom said

This is so embarrassing how you act like children. Liana said, sitting them down on a bench

Olu. Riolu yawned, jumping out of my hood to look at the city

Nice isn't? I asked Riolu

Ol! Riolu said and grabbed one of my pokeballs off my belt, letting it out on the boat

Drag? Dragonite asked

Welcome to Unova, Dragonite. I said and Dragonite squeezed me in a hug

Awe. The girls squeeled

Hey Dragonite how about you go give them all a big hug. I said with a smirk

Oh no, wait please! They yelled, but it was to late for Dragonite had hugged them all very tightly

Ha ha. Ryon laughed seeing Liana get karma for hitting him on the head

The boat now came to a stop

Welcome to the Unova regions Virbank City. The captain said and bridge came down for passengers to get off

Sorry Dragonite but Kanto pokemon are rare here in the Unova region so time to get in your pokeball. I said than got Dragonite back in his ball, and Riolu got back in my hood

I think we should go to the pokemon center before we go catch pokemon. Alice said

Right, lets go. Tom said

"At the Pokémon Center"

It took about an hour for our pokemons check ups to done

All your pokemon are in perfect health, thank you for visiting the Virbank City pokemon center. Nure Joy said

Thank you. We all said and bowed

Olu. Riolu said then jumped off the counter to get in my hoodie

So how about we get some lunch. Tom said

It's nine in the morning, we had breakfast at six, spent two hours on that boat, and waited another hour for the check ups could be done, so how could you be hungry? Karen asked

I don't know, it's just the last time we were in Unova we never got to eat any good food here. Tom replied

Seriously you guys are here too. A voice said at the sliding door

 A voice said at the sliding door

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