Chapter 63: A Water Types Choice!

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Nathan pov

Me and Lola were at the battle club in Accumula town. I was watching two trainers battle with their pokemon and I pulled out my pokedex, aiming it at one pokemon

 I was watching two trainers battle with their pokemon and I pulled out my pokedex, aiming it at one pokemon

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Tranquill, the wild pigeon pokemon, and the evolved form of Pidove. It can fly moderately quickly. No matter how far it travels, it can always find its way back to its master and its nest. My pokedex said, than I pointed it at the other pokemon

Pignite, the fire pig pokemon, and the evolved form of Tepig

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Pignite, the fire pig pokemon, and the evolved form of Tepig. When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke. My pokedex said, and I put it back in my pocket

Brick Break! The Pignites trainer yelled

Use Steel Wing! The Tranquill trainer yelled

The two met at the center of the field, clashed, and began pushing one another back

That's enough! A voice yelled, and the two pokemon stopped fighting eachother

That was an amazing battle, great work. A lady said, wearing a black dojo outfit and clapping

Excuse, who do I talk to about battling? I asked her

Right here. Name's Johanna, I'm the owner of this battle club. Just sign this. She said, and handed me a paper attached to a clipboard

Thank you. I said, and signed my name

Welcome to the battle club family. Johanna said

So who can I battle? I asked

Battle me. The name's Silas, and I'm in this town right now for a good battle. A trainer said behind me, making me turn around

Alright than. The name's Nathan Ketchum, and I'm from Vermilion City in the Kanto Region. I said to him

Bring it. Silas replied, and took a spot on the battle field, as I did the same

This will be a one on one battle with no substitutions. Please bring out your pokemon at the same time. 3 2 1! Johanna yelled

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