Chapter 25: Family Bonds Meet!

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Sora pov

Me and Emma have been traveling for about two days now, her first attempt to catch a pokemon failed and it ran away. Riolu and Poochyena have been at each others throata since they met, and Mudkip and Treecko have been getting along just fine. Me and Emma were in Petalburg City for a gym battle

Ok Emma, lwts eat breakfast than get to the gym. I said to Emma

About that actually, I didn't become a trainer to do gym battles. I became a trainer to compete in pokemon contests. Emma said

What's that, like a pokemon showcase? I asked

Sort of. Emma replied

Use Water Gun! A voice yelled, and Combusken landed on the sidewalk behind me

Man that was boring. A voice said, and I walked over to the battle field

Hey Katsu! I yelled to the other side of the battle field

Huh? Sora?! Katsu yelled back in shock, than we ran to the middle of the field

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Huh? Sora?! Katsu yelled back in shock, than we ran to the middle of the field

It's so good to see you again, how've you been? I asked

Great, mom and dad finally let me out the house. Katsu said

Um Sora, who is this? Emma asked

Oh right, Katsu this is Emma, a friend I made here in Hoenn. Emma this is my cousin Katsu Ketchum. I said, introducing them to one another

Nice to meet you. Emma said, extending her hand

A pleasure. Katsu replied, taking her hand and shaking it

So how is aunt Mackenzie and uncle Cross doing? I asked

Great, and the farm is too. Katsu said

Farm? Emma asked

My parents own a farm in Kalos, that distributes Moomoo milk, and processed meat to taste like Milktanks. Katsu said

I can't believe you came to Hoenn, in all honesty I thought you'd be traveling Kalos. I said

Well I got Squirtle here from professor Marin. Katsu said, and Squirtle jumped off his shoulder to spin on its back

Hey do you do know where the gym is, I want to get my first badge today no matter what. I said

Um you actually need four badges to challenge the gym leader here. Katsu said

Wait what!? I yelled in shock

Yeah, that's what I said when she told me I needed four badges. Katsu said

Olu. Riolu yawned, than getting off my shoulder to stretch

So you caught a Riolu, not bad. Katsu said

He hatched from a egg I found in Galar. I repiled back

Squirtle Squirtle. Katsus Squirtle said to Riolu

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