Chapter 72: Final Day On The Isle Of Armor!

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"Three weeks after last chapter"

Gwen brushes her now short hair while facing the bathroom mirror with a frown, Max walks in and leans on the on the wall

Max: You shouldn't have asked Robin to go all out like that.

Gwen: Leave me alone. Shouldn't you be helping Nate train for the tower or whatever.

Max: I asked someone to cover for me.

"In Loop Lagoon"

Sakyo sits on Dragonites back and they watch as Nate and his pokémon swim back and forth

Sakyo: You call that swimming!? Omegas grandmother can swim faster than that!

Nate: We're going as fast as we can!

Sakyo pulls out a dive ball and lets a red Gyarados out

Sakyo: Go now, Gyarados! Make them swim like they never have before!

Gyarados swims after them, making them go faster

Nate: This is totally unnecessary!

"Back in Gwens bathroom"

Max: So did you dye your hair to get someones attention?

Gwen: I just didn't like my red hair. It just looked like an eye sore to me in the mirror.

Max: Get your normal clothes on. We're going shopping.

Gwen: What?

Max: Yup, and look on the bright side, you'll get to eat at one of Galars most famous restaurants in Circhester, they also have a hot spring.

Gwen: Take me there now.

Max: Atta girl.

"In Circhester"

Gwen: Why is it so cold!?

Max: I thought you knew Circhester was snowy all year long.

Gwen: Wish you told me in advance because I hate the cold.

Max: Ah get over it. The Crown Tundra is a cold all year long.

Gwen: I want to go back to my room at the dojo.

Max: Nope. C'mon.

Max drags Gwen to a boutique

"Minutes later"

Max: Come on out, let me see how those clothes fit on you.

Gwen moves the curtain and steps out, her hair tied up into a ponytail

Gwen moves the curtain and steps out, her hair tied up into a ponytail

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Gwen: I kinda like it. But I don't know.

Max: Look in the mirror. This looks adorable on you.

Gwen: Mmm fine.

"After an hour at Bob's Your Uncle Won't Feed Me"

Max: So how was it?

Gwen: Spicy. But delicious.

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