Chapter 159: Mega Evolution Training! Final Part!

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"In the forest, the following morning after last chapter"

Natsu puts Lucario's arm band back in its left arm

Gio: That was a good sleep.

Laurel: Considering that I had to deal with all of you snoring.

Natsu: We snore?

Gio and Natsu get their Pokémon back in their Pokéballs

Laurel: Yes. Very loudly. Now come on.

Tigra hops on Natsu's shoulder, and Grookey on Gio's. They follow Laurel down the dirt path

"Two hours later"

They stand on a hill, a grass field filled with flowers at the bottom, a cherry blossom tree with a door and windows at the center

Laurel: This is my home. My Gran lives here. C'mon.

Natsu: Wow.

Gio: So cool.

They walk down the hill, and make it to the tree

Natsu: You live in a tree?

Laurel: I don't exactly live here for say. I'm mostly traveling.

Gio: So this tree is where your Grandma lives?

Laurel: That's right.

Natsu: And she uses Mega Evolution?

Laurel: Yes.

Laurel knocks on the door

Laurel: Gran! I'm home, and I've got someone who needs help!

A Blaziken answers the door and steps outside

Laurel: Hey Blaziken. Long time no see.

Blaziken nods

Natsu: Wow!

Blaziken wears a collar with Blazikenite

Gio: And it has a Mega Stone.

???: That Mega Stone is called a Blazikenite.

An old woman with a cane steps out

Laurel: Hi, Gran. Natsu, Gio this is my Gran. Call her Izzy.

Izzy: So you're Bill's Grandchild. You have his posture. Stand up straight!

Natsu stands up straight

Natsu: Yes, Ma'am.

Gio: Whoa.

Izzy: Bill told me you'd be coming here for training. So let's get it over with. If Lucario can't handle its own power than there will be no point helping you.

Natsu: Okay.

They move to the flower field. Lucario and Blaziken stand infront of eachother

Laurel: I'll act as the ref. The battle will be one on one. It'll end when either Pokémon can no longer continue. When I give the word, both Trainers must Mega Evolve their Pokémon.

Izzy: We get it.

Natsu: Let's roll.

Laurel: Good luck, Natsu. Battle begin!

Izzy: Blaziken, burn the sky and Mega Evolve.

Izzy places two fingers on the Key Stone in her cane, Blaziken Mega Evolves

Izzy places two fingers on the Key Stone in her cane, Blaziken Mega Evolves

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