Chapter 158: Mega Evolution Training Part 2!

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"Inside the barn, two days after last chapter"

Natsu and Lucario lay on hay stacks. Noivern hangs upside down on a beam. Tigra sleeps on Silvally's back. Warzox sleeps in a mediative form

Natsu: Another loss to Grandpa.

Lucario: Ar.

Natsu: He isn't even taking our battles seriously. If he was, he'd be using Mega Evolution too.

Martha walks in with a basket

Martha: There you are.

Natsu: Hey.

Martha: I know you're not happy about losing to your Grandfather again. But you're to focused on winning. Part of the battle is having fun.

Natsu: We know that already. But when Lucario loses control I can feel what it feels.

Martha: I'm guessing you were feeling Lucario's frustration.

Natsu: How'd you know?

Martha: Bill and his Lucario went through the same thing at your age. He had just received the Lucarionite from his mother, and the second they got the keystone they were winning battle after battle. Until they met a strong opponent that they couldn't beat.

Natsu: So how'd they win?

Martha: Bill took his Lucario's Mega Stone off its body, and they won.

Natsu: I don't get it.

Martha: Before they used Mega Evolution they were more focused on having fun. After that, they mastered it.

Natsu: Still don't get it.

Martha: You really are Nate's kid.

Natsu: That hurt.

Martha: They went back to their roots.

Natsu: Still don't get it.

Martha: They battled as if Lucario never evolved from Riolu.

Natsu: Oh.

Martha: Finally.

Natsu takes Lucario's arm band off

Natsu: Let's roll.

Lucario nods

"In the Miltank area"

Gwen and Sai scrub Miltanks. Natsu and Lucario run over to them

Natsu: Hey where's Grandpa?

Sai: You looking to lose to him again?

Natsu: Nope. This time we're winning.

Gwen: He went into town for some supplies.

Natsu: On it.

Natsu and Lucario run away

"In town"

Natsu: Where are you?

Lucario points straight ahead. Bill and Lucario are seen battling a trainer and her Delphox

Natsu: And he's battling!

Natsu and Lucario run to the cheering crowd

Girl: Use Flamethrower!

Delphox aims its stick at Lucario and fire shoots out from it

Bill: Dodge it! Then use Shadow Claw!

Bills Lucario jumps over the flames, and dives down at Delphox with Shadow Claw

Girl: Dodge it!

Bill: To late!

Bills Lucario hits Delphox onto its back, and steps back

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