Chapter 182: Master's Eight Tournament! Semi Finals Connor Versus Maya!

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"In Wyndon Stadium at night"

Every seat is filled with smiling faces, and Pokémon. Gio, Alex, Lizzie, Infernape, Grookey, Rika and Chespin sit together in the front row of the unlit stadium

Gio: This is it.

Alex: This could be Maya's last battle.

Rika: And then my brother will need one more win to keep his title.

Rika looks past Gio

Rika: Where's Natsu?

Gio: Natsu is in the waiting room with Luna. He said he didn't want to chance himself of being late for his battle.

Rika: Huh.

Multiple lights turn on and light up the battlefield

Announcer: I hope everyone is ready, because it's time for the first round of the Semi Finals to begin. Please give it up for our first competitors! Ranked Number 1: The Champion of Oblivia, Galar, and Alola: Connor!

Connor steps into the light and waves at the people cheering

Rika: Go big bro!

Chespin: Ches!

Announcer: And our second competitor! Ranked Fifth: The Champion of Hoenn, and former Kalos League Champion: Maya!

Maya steps onto her spot and gives a light bow

"On the battlefield"

A ref flies over the battlefield on the back of a Flygon, and has it fly in place over the middle of the field

Ref: The battles today will be a full six on six battle! Mega Evolution, Z Moves, Dynamax, and Fusion are allowed to one Pokémon each. Therefore, if you Dynamax a Pokémon, you can not use a Z Move with it. There is no time limit, and both sides can substitute freely. Please bring out your first Pokémon! Three!

Crowd: Two!

Connor and Maya: Go!

They throw Pokéballs. Dragapult comes out of the Pokéball Connor threw, and Tyrantrum comes out of the Pokéball Maya threw

Dragapult: Drag!

Tyrantrum: Tyran!

Announcer: Connor's first Pokémon is Dragapult, and Maya's Tyrantrum.

The montior shows the Trainers faces with six Pokéballs under them. The first Pokéballs show Dragapult and Tyrantrum

Ref: Battle begin!

Connor: Ladies first.

Maya: You'll regret that! Use Dragon Pulse!

Tyrantrum uses Dragon Pulse

Connor: Phantom Force go!

Dragapult sinks into its shadow, and Dragon Pulse misses

Maya: Wait for it to come out then use Dragon Tail!

Connor: Strike!

Dragapult shoots out from the ground in front of Tyrantrum

Maya: Now!

Tyrantrum avoids Dragapult's attack, then hits it with Dragon Tail. Dragapult gets sent back into it's Pokéball. Mr. Rime comes out

Mr. Rime: Rime, Rime, Mr. Rime!

Announcer: Tyrantrum's Dragon Tail made Dragapult not only take super effective damage, but its second affect made Dragapult and Mr. Rime switch!

Connor: Use Teeter Dance!

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