Chapter 152: Alolan Catch Race!

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"In Gara Fields"

Gio stands on a bridge, Infernape hangs upside down by its tail on a branch, and Grookey sits on Gio's shoulder

Gio: Okay, we need a Pokémon that can cross a river. Climb up steep cliffs, and that's about it.

Natsu walks over with Tigra on his shoulder

Natsu: Gio, what are you doing?

Gio: I'm deciding on what Pokémon to bring to a race.

Gio shows Natsu his phone

Natsu: "Pokémon Catch Race".

Gio: That's right.

Natsu: And it's in Alola! I'm in!

Gio: Then let's go!

Natsu: Yeah! Home here we come!

Tigra: Gra!

"On a deserted island in Alola"

Natsu and Gio register at the sign up

Gio: And done.

Two boys run over

Boys: Ah! You're Natsu Winters right!?

Natsu: Huh? Yeah.

Boys: You're the Z King of Unova! It's a very huge honor to meet you!

They take pictures with Natsu

Gio: Z King of Unova?

Natsu: Back when I was traveling in Unova I had a Z Ring on my wrist. I didn't use that much though.

Gio: Why didn't you tell me this!?

Natsu: I thought you knew.

Boys: You wore that Z Ring in the Unova League! And not only that but we saw you battling in the Lumiose Cup!

Gio: Lumiose Cup?

Natsu: I'll explain later.

Boy 1: I'm Kenji!

Boy 2: And I'm Tenji!

Kenji and Tenji: And together we are the Z brothers!

Natsu: Okay.

Tenji: So are you taking part in the race as well?

Natsu: That's right.

Kenji: This day just gets better!

They run off

Natsu: And I thought I was full of energy.

"At the starting line"

A man stands on a Magnezone, that floats over everyone

Man: Welcome one and all! The rules are simple! Each team will catch one Pokémon they are assigned for whatever area they are in, and can not leave that area till they catch the target Pokémon. In addition, each team is allowed to use three Pokémon. You are not allowed to swim on the ocean with your Pokémon, nor fly. This years first place prize is a years worth of malasadas, and the second place prize is a silver trophy. I hope you're ready!

Gio: I'm so in!

Natsu: Same!

Man: Get ready, get set, go!

Everyone runs

"At the first checkpoint"

Natsu: It's a mountain area.

Gio: Good thing I brought this. Boldore, let's go!

Gio lets Boldore out

Boldore: Dore!

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