Chapter 68: Leaving!

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"In a conference room, two weeks after Gaki joined the team"

The entire team sit on benchs, Shibishi standing in the middle at the front

Sai: What's this meeting about?

Gaki: Yeah, you interrupted a battle.

Akira: Which I was going to win.

Gaki: Keep dreaming.

Shibishi: Excuse me. No more interruptions.

Team: Sorry, ma'am.

Shibishi: We have a match against the Striaton City representative team, The Elements. They've recently risen up in the ranks thanks to their new captain.

Nate: Which is?

Shibishi: One of the Striaton City gym leaders, Gar.

Nate: Gar?

Shibishi: You know him?

Nate: Of course I do! We traveled together after I got the trio badge by beating him and two of his sisters in a gym battle. It was my very first gym battle ever too.

Shibishi: That's good to know, what is Gars battle strategy.

Nate: He doesn't rush things, he just lets battles drag out until his opponents pokémon gets tired.

Shibishi: Doesn't really help us.

Gwen: When is the match?

Shibishi: Two days. The trainers that will be battling in the match are Nate Ketchum, Gwen, and Sai. Sai will act as the captain.

Nate: Wait, Striker isn't battling in the match?

Shibishi: He requested a few days off. So I let him have three days off. Team dismissed, Nate, please stay back for a moment.

The rest of the team leaves Nate and Shibishi alone in the room

Nate: Yeah?

Shibishi: I understand that you'll be battling a friend, but even so, you can't hold back at all. Understand?

Nate: Yes.

Pokedex: You have a text! You have a text! You have tex-

Nate looks at the text

Nate: Can I leave campus for a little while?

Shibishi: For what?

Nate: Gar is in middle of the city with the two other trainers battling us. Can I go see them?

Shibishi: Alright, fine. But be back by dinner.

Nate: Will do.

Chimchar jumps onto Nates shoulder, and Nate runs out the room, down the stairs, out the courtyard, and out the campus

"In the middle of the city"

Nate: Hey! Gar!

Gar: Nate!

Nate and Gar run to eachother and highfive

Nate: It's great to see you!

Gar: Same here! I see you are doing well.

Nate: Me too.

Gar: Woah a Chimchar. I guess you caught it in Sinnoh the day your team battled the Iron Fists.

Nate: Yeah, and it's strong too.

Gar: If it's your pokémon, I'm sure it's strong.

Nate: So how's Lola?

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