Chapter 176: Masters Eight Tournament! Gmax Charizard versus Mega Charizard!

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"In Wyndon Stadium at night"

Akio standa in a training room with his Charizard, a picture of a mountain ahead of them

Akio: Use Flamethrower!

Charizard: Zard!

Charizard uses Flamethrower and hits the picture. Akio takes his jacket off

Akio: Connor, you are going down! Use Dragon Claw!

Charizard uses Dragon Claw and slashes the picture. Maya enters the room with a lollipop in her mouth, and Gardevoir by her side

Maya: You're still training? It's the middle of the night.

Akio: I won't allow myself to lose to Connor. I refuse! Use Flamethrower!

Charizard uses Flamethrower and hits the ceiling

"In a hotel room, the next morning "

Natsu and Tigra sleep in the same bed, sprawled out, and both snoring. Lucario meditates on the floor. Alex and Lizzie walk in with Gio, and Clair

Gio: They're still asleep?

Alex: Is Lucario sleeping while sitting up?

Lucario looks to them and gets back to mediating

Clair: Reminds me of when they would over sleep in their tent back in Unova. I remember opening the tent and Riolu had its head against Natsu's chest, Tigra on his arm.

Alex: Aw. Back when Lizzie was a Riolu she would rest her head on my face.

Clair: I miss when Lucario was a Riolu. It was so small and cute.

Natsu and Tigra snore

Gio: Who wants to wake them?

Clair: I'll do it. Emolga, wake them up.

Clair lets Emolga out of its Pokéball and Emolga comes out

Emolga: Ga!

Clair: Use Discharge.

Emolga: Emol!

Emolga uses Discharge and hits Natsu. Natsu wakes up and yells

Natsu: Ow....

Lucario and Tigra stand up

Clair: Mick is almost done making breakfast.

Natsu: What is it?

Gio: Pancakes. Better get moving before they get cold.

Natsu jumps out of bed and puts his jacket on. Then his Mega Glove, Z Ring, Dynamax Band, Fusion Gauntlet, and Headband

Natsu: Let's move!

Natsu, Tigra, and Lucario run out the door

Alex: Is it just me, or does his stomach have a mind of its own?

Clair: Oh it definitely does.

"At the park"

Natsu and his Pokémon run on the path of the park, Alex, Clair, Lizzie, and Gio close behind

Gio: Can't you slow down?

Natsu: You said the food would get cold!

They see Mick standing over a grill

Natsu: Breakfast time!

A Krookodile tackles Natsu and his Pokémon down

Krookodile: Dile!

Krookodile smiles

Tigra: Gra!

Lucario: Car!

Lucario and Tigra hug Krookodile

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