Chapter 27: Eterna Forest!

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Sora pov

We were in Eterna Forest, and totally lost

Where are we? Katsu asked, looking around in several directions

I knew we shouldn't have taken that turn back there. Emma said

I have an idea. I said

What is it? Katsu asked

I have a starly back in Kanto, I can just call professor Chloe, and have her fly Starly over to us. I said to my friend, and cousin

Then do it! Why didn't you say that before!? Emma yelled

You guys don't shut up. I said than pulled out my phone

And I don't have a signal. I said than put my phone away

And just like that we are screwed. Katsu said, than sat on the ground, and placed his back against a tree

Lets camp out here for the night, and pick up this up tomorrow. Emma said

Croagunk come on out. I said, letting Croagunk out of its ball

Cro. Croagunk croaked

Squirtle come out. Katus said, than Squirtle came out and was already asleep

Treecko you too. Emma said, and Treecko came out of its ball

Treecko Tree. Treecko said to Riolu, after walking up to him

Iolu. Riolu replied

Katsu opened up his backpack, placed four bowls down, and poured some pokemon food into each bowl

Croagunk this bowl is for poison type pokemon like you, Riolu this is for fighting types like you, Treecko this bowl is grass types like you, and Squirtle here's your bowl. Katsu said

What about human food? Emma asked

Yeah, pre made rice balls. Dig in. Katsu said, and pulled out some pre made rice balls

 Katsu said, and pulled out some pre made rice balls

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Down the hatch. I said, popped one in my mouth, and instantly regretted it, finally spitting it out, as did Emma

These are stale! Me and Emma yelled with disgust

Yeah you're right, there's a hole in the plastic wrap. Katsu said

Hey you guys seem lost. A voice said in the trees

Show yourself. I said

Riolu got up, and began searching the persons aura

Iolu! Riolu yelled, and threw a Vacuum Wave at the tree Katsu was leaning on, as figure landed in the middle of us

Iolu! Riolu yelled, and threw a Vacuum Wave at the tree Katsu was leaning on, as figure landed in the middle of us

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