Chapter 103: Battles Of Nimbasa Continue!

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"Ten minutes after last chapter"

Announcer: The next two trainers going up are the Striaton City Gym Leader Mick, and Kari!

The crowd cheers as Kari and Mick take their places

Mick: I remember our battle very well.

Kari: Well of course you do. My Snivy did beat your Pansear.

Mick: This won't be like last time.

Rotom Drone: Please bring out your pokémon!

Mick: All right, Dwebble, let's go!

Mick throws a pokeball and Dwebble comes out

Dwebble: Dwebble!

Kari: Gurdurr, you're up!

Kari throws a pokeball and Gurdurr comes out

Gurdurr: Durr!

"On the spectator seats"

Natsu: Wait is that?

Clair: What?

Natsu aims his pokedex at Gurdurr

Pokedex: Gurdurr, The Muscular Pokémon, a Fighting type and the evolved form of Timburr

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Pokedex: Gurdurr, The Muscular Pokémon, a Fighting type and the evolved form of Timburr. Gurdurr trains its muscles by carrying a steel beam. With its amazing strength, even professional wrestlers can't move it.

Natsu: Wow, it evolved! That was the Timburr we battled.

Mick: We'll make the first move! Dwebble, use X Scissor!

Dwebble crosses its claws and leaps to Gurdurr

Kari: Gurdurr dodge it!

Gurdurr jumps over Dwebble

Mick: Now, Dwebble, use Slash!

Kari: Keep your distance!

Gurdurr slams its metal beam down on Dwebble. Dwebble spins over it and lands behind Gurdurr

Announcer: Gurdurr is using its steel beam with great skill! Dwebble can't even get close!

Kari: Gurdurr, Rock Smash!

Gurdurr sticks its beam into the ground and runs to Dwebble with an orange fist

Mick: Quick, Dwebble, get away!

Dwebble hides in its shell and Gurdurr cracks it

Joe: The rock on its back's been cracked!

Clair: This isn't good. C'mon, Mick!

Natsu: Dwebble you can do it!

Kari: Use Rock Smash once more!

Mick: Retreat!

Dwebble walks backwards and Gurdurr punches the ground

Kari: Use Stone Edge!

Gurdurr punchs the ground and rocks rise out, hitting Dwebble into the air

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